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17 Aug 2018, 11:24
Becky Linberg, First Year, Ravenclaw
About Becky Linberg

Given Name: Rebecca Raya Linberg

Nicknames: Becky

House: Ravenclaw

Year: 1st


Wand: 28,7 cm, Chestnut Wood, and Snallygaster Heartstring

Origins: London, England

Species: Human

Blood: Muggle Born

Patronous: N/A

Bogart: Herself with a knife in her hand, surrounded by the bodies of people she loves


Becky is a descendant of a long Jewish heritage. Both of her grandparents escaped from the Nazi party at varying times during the war. Two of her Grandparents were from Italy, and one from each Yugoslavia and Poland. Her mother's family immigrated to England after the war, and her father's to Israel, but he found himself in London attending King's College University where he would later become a professor.

Becky's father was a humble, charming, and intelligent man, often finding himself the eye of many women, and some men as well. It wasn't until he met Becky's mother that anyone's affections were returned.

Becky's mother, Shoshana, was a first year resident at a local hospital and just so happened to find Benjamin Linberg in one of her beds. He'd been carrying a copy of his first draft thesis, all in loose leaf paper, when he'd tripped in a cobble-stone street and everything went flying. Down on his hands and knees, a speeding car didn't look to see if there was a student frantically grabbing for his work. Thus he ended up in a hospital bed looking at Becky's mother.

From there their love grew, and grew, becoming something rather beautiful. Until it was all ruined.

Shoshana was very pregnant with her child and it so happened that on one January day, it was time. At her call, Benjamin rushed to the very hospital where they met- only to arrive in a screaming ambulance. As he drove frantically to his wife's side, a bus driver who had had a fair too much to drink had crashed into his bug. He was comatose as Shoshana sat by his side with her screaming new born child.

For the first few years of her life, Rebecca visited her father, but one day her mother went out of the house, leaving her with her Grandmother, and came back with tears streaming down her face. They never went to see him again.

Becky grew up with her Grandmother and Mother. Her Mother was always very protective, which Becky thought was justified, but nonetheless, she found it very irritating. She had the most fun when her Grandmother would steal her away for the afternoon and go on adventures all around London.

Becky was always a gifted student, but school seemed miserable to endure because she was alone. Nobody wanted to be her friend. A lot of people called her a freak and bad luck; she was labelled both a geek and a troublemaker. She begged her Mother to homeschool her, but Shoshana was now a very busy and successful doctor, with no time to engage her child. Her Grandmother was illiterate and unable to school her Grandchild in anything but cleverness and quick wit.

As Becky got older, she developed a taste for trouble. When kids would pick on her, she'd pick back. If people told her not to go somewhere, that's just where she would go. Becky had a habit of finding places she wasn't supposed to. Her Grandmother and Mother joked that Becky could be dropped in a snow storm and find a desert if she so pleased. Whenever they'd drive someplace new, Becky was designated navigator. She had a way of figuring things out.

On her own time, Becky would spend time at the Library researching all sorts of subjects much more fascinating than school. Some of which included lockpicking, war and strategy tactics, the history behind nursery rhymes, sketch theory, and much more. She'd come back home and have dinner with her Grandmother, telling her everything she learned at the library while they waited for her mother to come home from a long shift. During the holidays they'd go to synagogue and every Shabbat they'd light candles. Her Grandmother would occasionally go to schools or services and share her experience of the holocaust.

Shoshana tried to shelter Becky from their history, her Grandmother's stories, and antisemitism, but not much escaped Becky's ears and eyes. Sometimes she would tentatively question her Grandmother and she would in tun very solemnly answer.

Becky's life consisted of loneliness, history, love, curiosity, adventure, and books. It wasn't bad, but maybe there's more.

Coming to Hogwarts

Becky Linberg comes from a Jewish Muggle family full of skepticism about the wizarding world. When she got a visit from a house elf, who came carrying her acceptance letter from Hogwarts, they weren't quick to believe that such things could be possible- even with proof standing right in their living room. Becky was sent out of the room by request of her mother, and told to let the adults handle this peculiar creature and his imaginary school, but inquisitive as she was, this obviously wasn't going to stop her. Slipping out the back door, she went around to the side of her town house and listened through the open window.

Most people with Becky's sense wouldn't have believed the house elf's claims- but Becky wasn't exactly most people, was she? There was something peculiar about Becky that she found herself akin to the house elf. Not only was her keen awareness and knack for getting in and out of tricky situations something that set her apart as odd, but also her little quirks of luck. Things always seemed to happen around Becky- in intense moments of emotion the world seemed to agree with her attitude and when she was in a bit of a pickle there was always a convenient distraction to aide her adventures.

Most people were repelled by a strange feeling they got when they were around Becky and it kept her in a very isolated existence. Her mother told her to make friends, but she didn't understand that nobody ever wanted to be Becky's friend. With only her books, grandmother and vivid imagination to accompany her in life she developed a nagging sense that there was more for her- and she took every chance to seek it out. This was a grand opportunity in her eyes.

After hearing all she needed, Becky snuck up to her room and started to pack a bag. She was just about to close her trunk when her grandmother came and pushed her door open. Becky's Grandmother was a wonderfully accepting woman with the same sharp mind for trouble her grandaughter shared. Smiling, as if this was all expected, she didn't hesitate to come and help her grandaughter with her bag. She warned Becky though, that her Mother hadn't agreed, and helped her sneak out to intercept the house elf as he left. With her Grandmother as her ally, she set off on her Hogwarts journey.

Life at Hogwarts so Far

Becky hasn't been at Hogwarts long, but she's already gotten herself in a few pickles. From having a ghost pop out of her stomach and spring his eyeballs out of their sockets to getting a black eye in the library, this year has certainly been eventful. Most of her encounters with other students haven't been the most pleasant and she could definitely play nicer with her peers. She's been really nervous about making friends and it hasn't worked out in her favor so far.

Important Events:

During dinner in the Great Hall one evening, Becky had been casually strolling beside the Ravenclaw table when a ghost decided to play a prank on her. Popping his head through her stomach, he made a grotesque display of his eyes dangling from his face in fleshy strings. It would freak any 11 year old out. In her terror, Becky fell into another Ravenclaw girl, Odessa Amalfitano, flipping her dinner over and creating a huge, messy scene in the Great Hall. Upset over the humiliation, Becky lashed out at the sincere Odessa who had only tried to help. Feeling guilty, Becky apologized, feeling even more stupid, but was rewarded when Odessa invited Becky to sit with her for the remainder of dinner.

While looking for some good, literary humor in the library, Becky accidently ran, quite literally, into a gryffindor student- Anastasia Beckett. During the crash, Becky rebounded off Anastasia and spun into a book shelf corner, giving herself a black eye. Both girls, angry about their unpleasant encounter exchanged very heated insults. At first, while in the heat of the moment, Becky ignored her injury, but soon it became difficult to stand both literally and figuratively, and Becky gave her anger over, too hurt to hold much of a grudge.

After much thinking over, Becky gathered her courage to send a letter home to her mother and grandmother. She hadn't contacted them since arriving, and was fearful of her mother's response because of the nature of Becky's departure for Hogwarts. Trying to reassure herself, Becky gave voice to her hopes, but was overheard by a seemingly cynnical Slytherin, Aravis Escanora. And again, it was happening.

These story lines are ongoing RPs. Links will be posted below.
Last edited by Becky Linberg on 17 Aug 2018, 11:53, edited 1 time in total.

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities; truth isn't.

-Mark Twain

17 Aug 2018, 11:32
Becky Linberg, First Year, Ravenclaw
Dormitory of Filius Flitwick

Ravenclaw Table (RP with Odessa)

A Rivalry of Sorts

A Letter Home and an Unpleasant Introduction

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities; truth isn't.

-Mark Twain

17 Aug 2018, 11:51
Becky Linberg, First Year, Ravenclaw

Becky is an untamed spirit. Wild, adventurous, but fueled by curioustiy, Hogwarts better watch out. She has good sense, but it's no fun if you don't ignore that nagging voice. Her quick wits have served her well thus far in life, but they also spoil her with good fortune. She could read books by the dozen, but her lust for knowledge spills over into the real world and she makes bad habits of getting in trouble because she sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. Defiant and stubborn has a sly side with her. She figures it's best when people don't know just how much you know and get up to. She argues a lot, but her silver tongue can hurt herself more than those on the other end. She's not good about making friends, and is unpracticed when it comes to socializing. She longs for someone to talk to, but has no idea where to start now that she's among people like herself. Becky is the type of girl that makes her own worst enemy. She wants to be good and strives to do just that, but things always end up getting complicated.


Odessa Amalfitano : Acquaintance (Friendly)

Anastasia Becket : Acquaintance (Unfriendly)

Aravis Escanora : Acquaintance (Unfriendly)


Stamina: 4
Agility: 6
Strength: 2
Control: 7
Arcane Power: 6
Accuracy: 5

No Spells Known at this time

No Potions Known at this time

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities; truth isn't.

-Mark Twain