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10 Aug 2018, 02:40
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
Full Name: Elara Eilish Youngblood

House: Slytherin

Age: Eleven

Wand: 27.1cm applewood and unicorn hair

School Year: First

Species: Human

Home: Swansea, Wales

Languages: English, Welsh, French

Last edited by Lara Youngblood on 24 Aug 2018, 21:58, edited 15 times in total.

10 Aug 2018, 02:46
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
H i s t o r y

Lara comes from a large, upper middle-class Pureblood family. Her father, Iwan, was born and raised in Wales, whilst her mother, Cecile, was French. Iwan and Cecile met at the 1994 Triwizard Tournament in their sixth year, and wrote letters back and forth for two years before Cecile moved to Wales to live with Lara's father. They were engaged a year later, when Cecile became pregnant with their first child - Lara’s twenty-one year old brother, Joshua. Lara’s father works a desk job at Gringotts. Her mother was a journalist. Lara grew up in a trilingual household, and can speak French, Welsh, and English.

Lara is the youngest of six children, with one sister and four brothers: Joshua, Hugo, Remy, Lucas, and Madeleine. Three of her siblings currently attend Hogwarts and the eldest two graduated from the school as well, despite their mother’s wish for her children to attend Beauxbatons. Madeleine is a third year Gryffindor, while Lucas and Remy are fifth and seventh year Ravenclaws. Lara was expecting to be sorted into Ravenclaw, like her father and brothers, and she’s upset about being the only one of her family to be sorted into Slytherin.

Cecile left the family when Lara was seven years old and never returned - she forgot to take a necklace, with a silver chain and small emerald pendant, which Lara found and took to wearing. She's convinced that one day her mother will return for it, and is careful to always take good care of it.

Lara’s family has always been very open about magic around her, but she didn't show any signs herself until she was ten years old, and her father had begun to worry that she never would. She was fighting with her brother over the TV remote, and he accidentally knocked a glass dish off of the coffee table while trying to push her back; Lara had it levitating before it hit the ground.

Lara’s been involved in the muggle world since a young age, as two of her father’s four siblings married non-magical folk and raised their families within muggle communities. Therefore, Lara was raised to see muggles as equals to witches and wizards, not lesser.
Last edited by Lara Youngblood on 23 Aug 2018, 04:56, edited 9 times in total.

10 Aug 2018, 02:51
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
P e r s o n a l i t y

* Highly sociable
* Charismatic
* Outgoing
* Energetic
* Driven
* Excitable
* Usually optimistic
* Encouraging of others
* Muggle-lover
* Passionate

Speaks without thinking *
Distracts easily *
Prejudiced against Slytherin *
Fidgety *
Unlucky *
Rambles *
Dislikes being alone *
Worries a lot *
Overthinks *
Lara is the youngest child of six, and it’s clearly shaped her personality. She’s highly sociable and will seek out companionship whenever she can. Because of this, she can come off as a bit clingy. She’s generally charismatic and outgoing, although a bit more reserved around authority figures. She can get too caught up in whether or not the adults in her life like her, and will try twice as hard to please a professor, or even an older student, who she feels dislikes her.

Lara can be overly energetic at times, and tends to fidget when she’d supposed to be sitting still in class. When she enjoys a school subject, she does very well in the class - but when she isn’t interested, she finds it impossible to focus on anything the Professor says. Because of this, her report card has always had an odd mixture of near-failing grades and perfect ones. She has trouble sitting still and staying quiet in class. In primary school, one of her teachers spoke with her parents about having Lara tested for ADHD, but her family refused to get involved with “Muggle diseases”.

Lara comes from a large family, with thirteen cousins on her father’s side. Her grandparents are old-fashioned in a rather offensive way, and although they’ve tried to instill the same prejudices in their grandchildren, for the most part it hasn’t stuck. She has an aunt and uncle who married Muggles, and Lara grew up in the Muggle world as well, and doesn’t understand why her grandparents could ever consider her Muggle friends to be “lesser” than her.

The one prejudice that did stay strong within the Youngblood family, however, was against Slytherins. Both her grandparents, as well as all their children and her cousins, attended Hogwarts - nearly all as Ravenclaws, which they believed to be the superior house. Lara is the first to be sorted into Slytherin, to everybody’s horror and disappointment. Because of this, her family has temporarily cut her off; even her sister and brothers, currently attending Hogwarts with her, won’t talk to her. She’s taking this very hard, to say the least.
Last edited by Lara Youngblood on 24 Aug 2018, 21:59, edited 11 times in total.

18 Aug 2018, 18:29
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
Hey there,

You messaged me about a possible RP, but when I tried to respond it said your direct messages had been disabled. I wanted to see if you were still open to that? Or possibly a group RP, as well?

Best wishes,
Becky Linberg, First Year, Ravenclaw
Last edited by Becky Linberg on 29 Aug 2018, 03:19, edited 1 time in total.

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities; truth isn't.

-Mark Twain

23 Aug 2018, 02:36
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
A p p e a r a n c e
Appearance-wise, Lara looks to be younger than eleven years old; this could be due to the fact that she is shorter than most girls her age, with a thin, narrow frame. She has big, dark eyes set into a heart-shaped face, framed by thick eyebrows and high cheekbones. She has fair skin and faint scattered freckles. Her hair is dark and thick, falling to around her shoulder blades in loose, frizzy curls. She has thin lips and a small, sloped nose. Her older sister, Madeleine, convinced Lara to let her try piercing her ears at home over the summer, resulting in Lara having two slightly uneven gold rings in each earlobe.

Last edited by Lara Youngblood on 3 Sep 2018, 20:45, edited 5 times in total.

24 Aug 2018, 01:08
Lara Youngblood, First Year, Slytherin
R e l a t i o n s h i p s



Madeleine - Sister, 3rd year Gryffindor
Madeleine is the elder Youngblood daughter, the second youngest in her family, and Lara’s only sister. The girls were close, up until quite recently, after Lara’s sorting shook the family. The girls are very similar in appearance, nearly identical to those who don’t know them any better, with the main physical difference between them being Lara’s faint freckles. Personality-wise, however, Madeleine is much more fiery than her sister, with reckless tendencies, a bold, brave attitude, and a hot temper. She (easily) convinced Lara to let her pierce the younger girl’s ears over the summer after seeing it in a movie, much to their father’s dismay. Madeleine is the family’s wild child, and might previously have been considered the “black sheep” as well - though now, that title belongs to Lara.

Lucas - Brother, 5th year Ravenclaw
Lucas is the youngest of four sons. Though he’d been close with his sisters, especially Madeleine, as a child, he grew closer to Remy, his brother two years his senior, after starting school at Hogwarts. This was partially because the boys were put in the same house and he saw less of the girls, who still had years to go in Muggle school - but also because Madeleine’s brash personality clashed with his own, quieter demeanour, while Lara’s persistent belief in their absent mother annoyed him. The kids’ mother left the family a few days before Lucas was scheduled to start school at Hogwarts, leaving him shell-shocked and withdrawn, making his first year difficult both academically and in terms of friendships. Because of the unfortunate timing, Lucas remains, perhaps, the most resentful of his siblings towards their mother. Lucas isn’t shy, exactly, but he is quiet. He has a few close friends he prefers to stick with, and a wry sense of humour. He is the only other Youngblood child to share Lara's freckles.

Remy - Brother, 7th year Ravenclaw
Anybody who knows Remy well can attest to one fact: it was a miracle he was ever sorted into Ravenclaw. Remy, of course, denies it, but the truth is simple: he had to beg to be placed in the house. Some might say that his personality had him better suited to Slytherin, but never to his face. He definitely has a strong personality, and although he isn’t very open about it, he harbours a competitive, cut-throat nature. Likely, this is a result of being the middle child in his family, and growing up often overlooked in favour of his brothers' and sisters' accomplishments. There are very few things Remy won’t do to come out on top. He had recognized similar characteristics in his youngest sister, Lara, and though he tried to push her away from them, he was unsuccessful in saving her from herself. He takes it as a personal failure on his part that she was sorted into Slytherin.

Hugo - Brother, Hufflepuff graduate, Journalist
Hugo was the only one of his siblings to be sorted into Hufflepuff, but was fortunate enough to have had one of his cousins, Ronan, sorted into the house the same year. They were the first of the Youngblood grandchildren not to be Ravenclaws, both being the second-born in their families, but with both the boys rallying together they quickly gained acceptance from their grandparents. Hugo’s quite close with his elder brother, Joshua, despite their differences. He’s a cheerful boy, and kind, always knowing how to make his friends and siblings laugh. After graduating, he moved to Cardiff and became a journalist. Now nineteen years old, he lives with his girlfriend, Maggie, a witch he attended Hogwarts with and began dating in their final year.

Joshua - Brother, Ravenclaw graduate, Healer
Joshua was the eldest Youngblood sibling, and the main reason his parents got married at such a young age. Growing up, he had a lot of pressure to succeed - he was frequently reminded that he would have to be the one to carry his family, as eldest, and that it was up to him to set a good, Ravenclaw example for his younger siblings. Despite the pressure, he was a cheerful child, and did very well in school. His youngest sister, Lara, was born the year before he went to Hogwarts, and he adored her the most out of all his siblings. He and Lara are still quite close, even though they have ten years between them. After graduating, he became a healer, and now serves overseas, often located in third world countries or aiding emergency services during natural disasters. He isn’t often home, due to the nature of his work, but his family is very proud of him nonetheless. Lara misses him greatly.

Iwan - Father, Ravenclaw graduate, Gringotts employee
Cecile - Mother, Beauxbatons graduate, absent

Nova Anahita Hamidi - Close Friends

Amaya Bourne - Acquaintances