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10 Jul 2018, 22:42
Piper Sanchez/ First Year/ Hufflepuff
Full name: Piper Luis Sanchez
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 11
Wand: 31,0 centimeters, aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
School Year: First
Patronus: Your guess is as good as mine
Species: Human
Appearance: Piper's on the short side, with a warm face that suits a smile and an untidy mop of Oreo-brown hair that his mum won't let him grow out. He's got a deep tan from the Spanish side of the family.

History: Piper grew up in the peaceful suburbs on the outskirts of Bath. He was lucky enough to have an easy childhood with two loving parents, neither of whom are magic fanatics. His dad plays piano in a band at the local wizards-only pub, and his mum works on the engineering team for new brooms, bending laws of physics and magic as the need arises.
School-wise, Piper spent the last seven years at the local muggle primary school. His cheerful nature earned him a good few friends there, and there wasn't a whole lot of pressure to succeed from his parents; they were far more worried about how he'd do at Hogwarts. A blend of unnecessarily strict teachers has given him a very, very small (so he insists) fear of failure, but on the whole, the one thing he was taught at primary school was not to take life too seriously.
Truth be told, Piper's not convinced he even needs this time at Hogwarts. The life of a writer, maybe a poet, appeals to him much more than any career as an auror or what have you. He won a regional Young Playwright's competition with half-hour drama about pop culture last year. It's still his proudest achievement.

10 Jul 2018, 22:44
Piper Sanchez/ First Year/ Hufflepuff

Here Goes Nothing- Ongoing
Group Projects- Ongoing
"Borrowing" the Sorting Hat- Completed, and its subsequent thread Sorting Hat Detention- Ongoing
Dewey Decimating Our Feelings- Ongoing
Last edited by Piper Sanchez on 10 Aug 2018, 21:17, edited 4 times in total.

10 Jul 2018, 22:48
Piper Sanchez/ First Year/ Hufflepuff

Mother: Madison Sanchez (Broom Technician)
Father: Gabrio Sanchez (Piano Player)

21 Jul 2018, 23:20
Piper Sanchez/ First Year/ Hufflepuff

Stamina: 3
Agility: 8
Strength: 1
Control: 6
ArcPower: 9
Accuracy: 3