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6 Jul 2018, 07:22
Emanual Kingsley
Just some info, introduction, and pictures covering my character, subject to be updated as time goes on.


Name: Emanual Kingsley
From: Bath, England
House: Hufflepuff
Family Line: Muggle-born
Age: 11
Wand: 28,0 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Year: 1
Patronus: Unknown
Boggart: Unknown
Species: Human
Sexuality: Demisexual
He grew up in a decently loving family, with good parents. Nothing was ever perfect, but they tried their best, and did all they could to keep together. There are always rough patches, but they always worked through them. Growing up, Emanual's parents always knew he was different, they simply could never pinpoint how. They had assumptions, and had asked on friends, over whether he might have any certain type of diagnosis. They'd considered looking into it, getting a professional opinion; Emanual just didn't socialize and interact like other kids. Truthfully, unless engaged with first, and engaged with properly, he didn't socialize or interact at all with other kids.
But they never got around to look to answers towards a professional. Because as some of those simple, developmental traits seemed to be slowly growing or showing themselves more clearly, so did his magic begin to show. He's not always comfortable with touch, so when his father, trying to get him to come inside on a late night out on his backyard playground and he didn't want to, his father grabbed him and tried to urge him inside, almost forcing him. The suddenness of the touch made it unwelcome, and uncomfortable, and terrifying in that moment. Emanual screamed, and as he did so, his father fell back and it was like the ground/grass made a wave that set him towards the back porch. They were so confused, they couldn't be sure he was the cause.
Until little things kept happening.Light flickering or busting when he got excited over a gift, or him suddenly vanishing from his room where he was being lectured, down into a hideaway he liked to escape to.

Though not everything was clear, things began to fall into place once he got his letter. They got in touch with a few wizards at the school and learned about what Emanual was, and what he would need that the school could give him. The family had found their answer to the increasingly unnerving curiosity building in Emanual. Though, his acute autism went on un-diagnosed, labeled as simply part of his being magic, it seemed enough of a blessing.

But, as much of a light of hope as the school was, it was terrifying for the three of them to be split up, not knowing what would happen. They could only hope everything would turn out for the best, and Emanual could only trust in what he was told and shown in his time preparing for school.


Hogwarts, so far:
Upon arrival, not sure who to flock to if anyone, and not knowing much of anything other than what he'd managed to cover in books, Emanual was very anxious but nervous to arrive at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He understood so little about what all he'd be doing, what the houses entailed, and where this school would bring him in the future. But, he had hope it would become clear over time. And he held onto that hope.
The Sorting Ceremony led him to be sorted into the Hufflepuff house, and it seemed decent enough. He liked the cozy, warm feel of the common room, found it's history full of admirable figures, and felt a kindness running through its community. He wasn't sure how to tap into it, to others, but he could at least say, he was in a place where he felt safe and secure.
What lay ahead for him now was school work and teachers and lessons and all sorts of things he had no idea what to expect from. But, now? He felt like he was ready to face it.

"Magic under the surface, trembling, screaming, and waiting to burst forth and free; beautiful."
~Emanual C. Kingsley