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25 Jun 2018, 02:35
Lilith Westlocke | Second Year | Gryffindor

Full Name: Lilith Seraphina Westlocke

House: Gryffindor

Age: Twelve

Wand: 29,0 centimeters, aspen wood, phoenix feather, inflexible.

School Year: Second

Patronus: Unknown

Species: Human

Appearance: Lilith has her family's trademark full black hair, complete with azul blue eyes she received from her mother's side. She is 4'6" with a round face that is currently losing its baby fat. She has a triangular body shape and big feet.

Personality: Lilith spends a lot of her time daydreaming (mostly about Hogwarts, but other things as well) and is very smart and imaginative, but tends to hide her smarts until she needs them. Due to her ability to be snarky, brutally honest, and at some times, up-right rude, most in the room tend to dislike her. Orders are not something she particularly enjoys, especially from arrogant or selfish people. This wolf prefers to stick alone. With a deep sense of justice and morality, Lilith demands the truth no matter how dark and messy it may be. Lilith loves to show off just how smart she can be and has a need to always be in control of the situation. Alas, this can cause her to be arrogant and uncaring of others.

History/Background Story: Lilith was born in Monaghan, Ireland to her Pureblood mother and father. They live happily and quietly until Lilith was about seven. It was then that Lilith started to notice how her mother took one-too-many sips from that strange silver bottle that she hid in the bathroom cupboard and that her dad always came home late smelling of perfume that her mother did not own.

Eventually, their arguing grew from little sharp words to full out screaming matches in the middle of the living room. Once her mother even smashed a Vodka bottle and one of the shards flew and hit Lilith in the knee. Her parents instantly stopped fighting to check on her knee only to see it already healed into a light scar. That was Lilith’s first sign of magic and that made them happy, but only for a little while. The fights were constant. One day it was about money, the other was about finding new jobs since the Ministry had to let them go, and the next day it was about how Lilith’s hair was a mess—everyday it was something new and pointless. All the anger built up in the household like a bottle rocket. Then, it blew.

Lilith’s parents got a divorce when Lilith was nine. Her mother moved back to her native home of England and her father stayed at the house Lilith grew up in. That began the constant movement of Lilith as she was thrown between homes every other month. When she was at her mother’s house all her mother would do is complain about her father and when she was at her father’s house all he would do is complain about her mother. It was an endless cycle and Lilith was beginning to think she was going to end up in a mental Asylum before she ever got to go to Hogwarts.

Finally, they seemed to turn their hatred from each other into something else—Muggleborns. Now the reasons they lost their jobs was because of Muggleborns taking them and other blood supremacist nonsense. Lilith was counting down the days until Hogwarts, but it seemed too far away. She ended up barricading herself in her room before deciding she'd had enough. Lilith ran away that very night.

The first few hours were the hardest. She kept doubting herself and her heart ached to go back, but her feet carried her on and eventually, she came to the Leaky Cauldron, where she stayed for a few nights. She doubted her mother even knew she was gone. It wasn’t until the fifth day when she ran out of money that her mother found her and berated her in front of the whole bar before taking her back home.

That just started a new cycle and in Lilith’s opinion—a better one, where she had the control. Lilith soon ran away again. And again. And a third time. Then a fifth time. It didn’t matter about how her father or mother would rage and threaten to lock her in her room. Lilith just kept sneaking out. The longest she was on her own for was a month and a half, where she met street kids and lived with them for a little while. She made her money by gambling it all to the last cent before winning it back.

Then, Lilith got her owl and hopped on the train to Hogwarts without a kiss goodbye from her parents. She had her trunk and enough money to buy what she needed and she was gone. So far, Lilith has been sorted into Gryffindor.
Last edited by Lilith Westlocke on 6 Jul 2018, 20:02, edited 8 times in total.

Stamina: 6; Agility: 6; Strength: 5; Control: 3; Arcane Power: 5; Accuracy: 5

25 Jun 2018, 02:38
Lilith Westlocke | Second Year | Gryffindor
RPG List

Always open to new RPs! Owl if interested!

Summer Camp!

-Capture the Flag: Lilith leads Team Virgo against Team Leo in a game of Capture the Flag that goes warry when one of the teams goes missing.
-Full Moon [Werewolf]: Lilith gets involved in a game of Werewolf.


-The Dormitory of Minerva McGonagall: Lilith arrives in her new dorm for her time at Hogwarts, where she meets her roommates Sophia Murphy, Regina Miller, Elora Rook, and Juniper Fawley.
-Locked Doors: Dinah Dragensail found a new door and Lilith hoped along for the ride.
-Corridor Collisions: Lilith has a literal run-in with Constantine Babbitt.
-Howls: A book on werewolves introduced Lilith to Constance Caelo.
-Not-So-Friendly Enemies: A forced school project pins Lilith with Lyonel Fleur, a person who doesn't want to work with her about as much as she doesn't.


-Sorting Ceremony: Lilith being sorted into Gryffindor.
-Gryffindor Table: Lilith sits down for her first meal in the Great Hall after getting sorted into Gryffindor.
-Odd Acquiantances: While she brooded alone in the Leaky Cauldron, Lilith was met with a new potential friend in Evelyn Moore.
-Oops: Lilith is splashed a little too much by Eri Windstone.
-A Restricted Adventure: A little trouble involving the Restricted Section with Annabelle Wolfe.
-An Unfortunate Encounter: Pitting Alexx Helm and Emma Hill against Lilith and Aurelia Bezuidenhout.


-Sponges: A little help with a spell leads Lilith to meet Chloe Rose Baggins.
-Quidditch Fanatics: Practicing Quidditch leads to an encounter with Clover Edevane.
-Compartment #33: Lilith's ride of the Hogwarts Express presents the opportunity to unwilling meet new people and old friends.

Discontinued means that they weren't responded to. Owl me if you would like to continue them.
Last edited by Lilith Westlocke on 15 Jul 2018, 00:03, edited 24 times in total.

Stamina: 6; Agility: 6; Strength: 5; Control: 3; Arcane Power: 5; Accuracy: 5

25 Jun 2018, 02:50
Lilith Westlocke | Second Year | Gryffindor



Name: Ida E. Westlocke
Blood: Pureblood
Occupation: Fired from Ministry of Magic, Muggle Cleaning Lady
Status: Alive


Name: Gregory Westlocke
Blood: Pureblood
Occupation: Fired from Ministry of Magic, Currently Unemployed
Status: Alive


Dinah Dragensail
Gryffindor | Friend.

Evelyn Moore
Hufflepuff | Friend.

Annabelle Wolfe
Gryffindor | Friend.

Alexx Helm
Slytherin | Enemy.

Emma Hill
Ravenclaw | Secondary Enemy.

Aurelia Bezuidenhout
Gryffindor | Ally.

Eri Windstone
Ravenclaw | Partners in crime.

Constatine Babbitt
Hufflepuff | Unknown.

Chloe Rose Baggins
Hufflepuff | Acquaintance.

Jane Greenway
Hufflepuff | Road to Hogwarts together on the Hogwarts Express.

Lyonel Fleur
Slytherin | Unknown.

Clover Edevane
Slytherin | Unknown.

Constance Caelo
Gryffindor | Unknown.

Sophie Murphy
Gryffindor | Dormmate

Regina Miller
Gryffindor | Dormmate

Elora Rook
Gryffindor | Dormmate

Juniper Fawley
Gryffindor | Dormmate
Last edited by Lilith Westlocke on 11 Jul 2018, 00:10, edited 6 times in total.

Stamina: 6; Agility: 6; Strength: 5; Control: 3; Arcane Power: 5; Accuracy: 5