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5 Jun 2018, 00:13
Khris Bailey : Second Year : Slytherin

Khris Bailey

Physical Description

Khris has soft, curly blond hair that seems always just this side of needing to be cut, bright silver blue eyes that are always nervously lowered, and petite lips that seem perpetually pressed into a thin line that holds far to much concern for a child his age.

And freckles. Lots and lots of freckles.

A small thing, Khris stands approximately 134 cm tall (4 ft 5 in) and can't weigh more than stone (70 lb) much to his chagrin. Though well proportioned he is definitely on the delicate side and what his mother's muggle part of the family would call "Faerie like".

His wizarding father laughs at that notion and has shown several pictures that prove otherwise.


Quiet, bookish, and shy, Khris has always appreciated the beauty of a cozy corner and a good book, his room holding a collection of stories from both sides of his of his family. Great volumes containing dragons and spells, simple leaflets with illustrations that dart about the page, and of course the traditional books of his mother's muggle childhood.

Despite his initial timid demeanor Khris truly is a much more confident person than one would assume. Soft, but confident nonetheless. Quick to offer a quiet chuckle or chatter the day away with those he cares for, it's really just a matter of proving your trustworthiness before he opens up.

That however can be a long and arduous process.

Though quick to offer kindness and exchange words of encouragement, it takes quite a bit for Khris to truly show himself to you and often times the parts he does show are simply another shell for the truer parts underneath. Be patient with him, please.


Books and art have been Khris' dearest friends ever since he could remember. Be it great muggle books considered far too advanced for his age or sweet wizardry drabbles with illustrations that dart around the covers, there was rarely a story out of reach. Besides his books, graphite dusted fingers and ink stained palms were his constant companions. Sketch pads filled to the brim could be found scattered all about his room and several scribbled out stories littered the backs of many a page.

The memory held most dear to him was probably the day his father gifted him a small vial of soft chestnut ink that allowed his sketches and stories to meld. A beautiful combination of woven word and illustration that fanned his spark of creativity into a burning flame. Khris would love nothing more than to write and illustrate his own literature in the future. Great novels filled with characters that he could craft with quill and ink, text books filled with rarely heard facts and examples blossoming across the pages, children's stories with sweet images to help them sleep soundly at night.


Personality Stats
MBTI: INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeler, Judging)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

Khris is a sensitive soul who'd much prefer an evening in than a party. Extremely observant, he picks up on other's emotional status rather quickly and often is far more worried than he ought to be. He acts by his feelings, though that doesn't mean he's not smart. He's very studious and loves learning just about as much as he loves drawing.

Kind hearted

Fun Loving
Jokester (with the proper encouragement)

Socially Awkward
Too Sensitive

Pre-Hogwarts History

Khris was born to a muggle mother and a pure-blood father of old name and high standing.

His father, William Bailey, a kind hearted albeit stubborn young wizard left the wizarding scene just after graduating in order to marry a sweet young woman of gentle disposition and surprisingly muggle heritage. Miss Anna Stone.

The elder Bailey's were disgraced.

"If you'd only take the time to meet her!"

"We don't need to meet her! She's a MUGGLE for Merlin's sake!!! How can you do this, Will!? How can you ruin our good name just like that!?"

"Oh for- Can you even hear yourself, Father? Name this, name that! Such pettiness over six little letters that mean nothing. I love her!"

"Love? Love!? What kind of love would ask you to do this!? She's tricking you, William! She's trying to sneak into our world for her own gain! I know it!"


"You can't throw away your honour just like that, my boy. Your reputation. Your name. I won't let you do this. Not as long as you're my son."

"I understand."

"What's that?"

"I said, I understand. I see that now. Nothing I say or do will convince you or mother otherwise. You're too set in your way. You say you won't let me have this life, have the woman I love beside me, not as long as I'm your son. I'm sorry."

"William, what is this!? Put your ring back on. It's our seal! Our crest!"

"You know, Anna is a lovely girl, Father. Kind, patient, accepting. She's everything I always thought you and Mother wanted for me. If you had been willing you might just have loved her too. You're missing out on meeting a wonderful young woman."

"William! William!!! Where are you going!? Get back here this instant!"

"Give my regards to Mother."

Argument after argument fell on deaf ears and eventually William's parents -Khris' Grandparents- did what they believed right. What they believed to be the one thing that could bring their boy around. They threatened disowned him. Threatened him with the loyalty they knew he possessed and swore they would cut all ties and claim they had lost their youngest son in a duel gone wrong.

William called their bluff and they didn't speak for years.

Not until Khris was born.

"Marie! Marie! Look at that. Is it? It can't be..."

A flash of dark feathers, a stillness of wind, and an owl, familiar and near as missed as it's owner came to rest on the ledge it hadn't called home in years.

A quiet sob, half hopeful and half terrified fell from the lips of a witch with a face far more burdened than her age required as she took a rapid step forward. It couldn't be. Impossible and yet... The great bird nuzzled into her hand as if it were just yesterday and tears for what had been missed fell.

It was Artemis.

William's owl.

Despite the unacceptance, and the anger, and the years of loss they had suffered, the Bailey family was finally reunited once more. Loyalty. Love. Family. The true bonds that pulled parent and son, wife and husband, child and grandparents together. The elder Bailey's knew that this would mean a fall out for them in the wizarding world and accepted it with a grace born from years of longing. It didn't matter if gossip now spun in the magical world about them, they were complete for the first time since their son had left.

Anna Stone Bailey was a magician in her own way as well.

Quiet and kind and containing more love in her freckles than most people contain in their entirety, she soon won over the hearts of her newly met in-laws and to this day they spend the summers at the old Bailey estate together, a family. William was right after all. His parents did indeed come to love her the moment they gave her a chance.

The fact that Anna gave them a grandson to spoil helped some too.

From the day he was born Khris was considered the bridge between the two families and both his Muggle and Wizarding relatives felt that he really was the best peace offering gift in the world.


Throughout his tender years Khris knew he was loved and cherished by his family and subsequently he grew a personality that was confident and ambitious, strong and sure of who he was. A great writer, a brilliant drawer, a marvelous caretaker of animals both mythical and muggle alike. Whatever he dreamed he knew he could be. He was cheerful and open, as kind as his mother and more stubborn than his father, and entirely, completely Khris.

But then school...

"Does he have to be my buddy, Ms. Phelps?"

"Why do I always get stuck with Khris!?"

"Ugh... We're just going to loose if he's on our side!"

"Take him out first next time. It'll be better for us in the long run."

"Can't even handle a little slap! What if that was a real punch, huh you nerd!?"

"Whad' ya say!? Stop? Stop!? Hey! The freaks begging now too!!!"

It all changed after that.

Khris stopped smiling as much and starting flinching when people approached him. Started lowering his eyes and slinking away whenever too many kids where in the room. He was still there, still fiery stubborn and very much Khris just... quiet.

His parents worried. They went to the schools and talked to the teachers, held Khris and reminded him of how very proud they were. They loved him and asked him how he was doing, patched up the odd scrape or charmed away the occasional black eye, and asked again if he wanted to stay home, try homeschooling, switch schools. Blond curls would shake and he would shrug, offer a rare but loving smile and say it was okay.

He was Khris.

Kind as his mother and more stubborn than his father.

He would make it.

Time drift on and he grew a little older and a little softer, learned to love his art and books more, and the value of staying silent.

It was okay, good even. He was loved, he was stubborn, he was kind, he was Khris.

And then an owl came...

First Year At Hogwarts
Khris' first year at this magical school was in a word, remarkable. Though not many dear friends were made, he met several lovely people he kept in contact with over the summer. (OOC: This is under construction and I will add to it when I'm not too tired to see the screen. :sweatingbullets:)


The Basics

House: Slytherin
School Year: Second
Wand: 28.7 cm Chestnut Wood and Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: N/A
Age: 12 years 3months
Birthdate: April 16th, 2006
Gender: Boy
Species: Human
Patronus: N/A
Last edited by Khris Bailey on 13 Jul 2018, 23:20, edited 7 times in total.

"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness." -Unknown

5 Jun 2018, 04:42
Khris Bailey : Second Year : Slytherin

First Year

A Quiet Place to Read - Active - Khris meets Maisy, John, and Liz while looking for a quiet place to draw.

The Dormitory of Horace Slughorn - Active - Khris just met his first dorm mate; a Michael Evans who thankfully seems near about as awkward as he. There's also quite a bit of yelping.

Browsing the Shelves - Active
- Khris meets Edric while in his favourite hiding place amongst the books.

Flower Crowns and Charcoal Dusted Fingers - Active - Khris yelps (again), gets caught sketching, and flower crowns and friendships are made.

Nostalgia - Active - It's the second to last day of school. What better time to try and make new friends.

Digits and Locks - Active - Fingers get stuck in curly blond hair, a run through the corridors is needed, friends or foe's are made.

The Slytherin Table -Completed - Khris meets Lancelot and spills things and gets thing spilled on him.

The Sorting Ceremony - Completed - Khris gets sorted into Slytherin.

Sticking Together - Abandoned - Khris ventures to the grounds to meet Kyden by request and hopes for a friend to be made.

Second Year
Last edited by Khris Bailey on 18 Jul 2018, 06:26, edited 7 times in total.

"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness." -Unknown

5 Jun 2018, 05:00
Khris Bailey : Second Year : Slytherin


William Bailey (Father)- A proud and gentle man who's as stubborn as the day is long but always in a good way. Caring and powerful, charming and kind, Khris looks up to his Father in so many ways. He was the first person Khris spoke to when he received his owl and the only reason he feels he can do this. If his father went through Hogwarts as a Slytherin, so can he.

Anna Stone Bailey (Mother)- Truly the most kind and gentle woman you could meet. Tender, loving, caring, and smart, Khris' mother is his inspiration for dealing with situations and his encouragement went things don't go quite the way they were supposed to. He truly wants nothing more than to make her proud of his endeavors as he strives to move forward in kindness.

School Mates:

Maisy Dane- A rather cheerfully sweet and perhaps a tad bit clumsy Slytherin who's curiosity for this wizarding world and love of books has Khris intrigued. They met during a mishap in the study hall.

John Johns- Though tad bit on the naïve side and a little louder than he's used too, Khris finds the jolly and good natured Hufflepuff quite tolerable. He is the cause of the mishap in the study hall.

Elizabeth Summers- Direct, honest, confident, and yet kind, Khris finds the young Gryffindor girl a source of inspiration and respect. She helped fix the slight mishap in the study hall.

Lancelot Channing- Seemingly cheerful, rather bit mischievous, really quite fascinating, and tall, Lancelot Channing is a young Slytherin who offered a bit of kindness to Khris at their house table. He hopes, though a bit carefully, that the two of them might become close friends in the future.

Edric Banes-- A fellow Slytherin student with a love of books that rivals his own and a personality capable of putting him at ease. Khris and he met in a quiet part of the library and he finds the young Slytherin to be quite pleasant company indeed.

Kyden Goodlow The kind and seemingly gentle Slytherin prefect who stood up for Khris during a situation within the dorms. Khris finds the boy's company quite enjoyable and hopes to become friend in the future.

Dorm Mates:

Michael Evans- A slightly and sweetly awkward young lad of whom Khris feels surprisingly protective of. An odd occurrence considering he's slow to make friends and even slower to form alliances.

November Morsus- He gave Michael and Khris a good scare when they first discovered him. Don't worry. He's just as frightened as they are and rather in need of a friend.

Close Friends: Please don't assume. Khris may have appeared to open up but has he really said anything of importance? It takes quite a bit...

Best Friend: This is rather a foreign concept to Khris so bear with him please. It may take time and it may take you telling him this is what you are...

Enemies: Khris isn't liable to make enemies as he'd much rather try to win you over with smuggled chocolate frogs but you never know...
Last edited by Khris Bailey on 18 Jul 2018, 06:23, edited 12 times in total.

"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness." -Unknown