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4 Jun 2018, 21:41
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor

Elizabeth Summers  

First Year, Gryffindor

"Bravery is in every single person, it just likes to play hide and seek."

Post 1: Basic Information

Post 2 : Character Appearance

Post 3 : Personality 

Post 4 : General Character Info

Post 5 : History

Post 6 : Connections

Post 7 : Roleplays
Last edited by Elizabeth Summers on 3 Aug 2018, 04:33, edited 2 times in total.

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

4 Jun 2018, 21:58
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor
Basic Information


F U L L  N A M E : Elizabeth Lydia Summers
N I C K N A M E S / T I T L E S : Elle (by her father), Liz (which she insists on being called, Lizzie, Beth, Eliza, Liza, etc...
G E N D E R : Female
A L I G N E M E N T : currently unavailable
A G E : 11 and a half
R A C E / H O M E L A N D : Scottish-Jewish
C L A S S : High (in muggle world), unknown in wizarding world.
B L O O D  T Y P E : Half-blood
S T A T S :

Stamina:  3
Agility:  3
Strength:  6
Control:    7
ArcPower:  7
Accuracy: 4
Last edited by Elizabeth Summers on 3 Aug 2018, 03:21, edited 2 times in total.

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

4 Jun 2018, 22:04
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor
Character Appearance


H A I R : Elizabeth has long brown hair that she insists on always tying up- or rather, her father insists on her tying up. She usually has it in a braid down her back, or sometimes in a bun, but you will never see her without her hair looking perfect. She treasures her hair because it's one of the only things she received from her mother. Her father used to say that she had his eyes, but her mother's hair and smile, along with a few Jewish traits.
S K I N : She is quite pale, one of the downfalls of being Scottish, but she enjoys the light shade of her skin.
E Y E S : She has stormy grey eyes that match her father's, but where his contain subtle pain and hardness, hers are more lively, and dangerous. One look from her could either have you falling at her feet or falling dead.
H E I G H T : She's rather short, even for her age, barely reaching 4 feet tall.
M A R K I N G S : She has a scar on the bottom of her foot after running in the park near her house without any shoes on, and stepping on a shard of glass. She also has a birthmark on her left arm, right on her wrist, that almost looks like a bird.
P H Y S I C A L  F E A T U R E S : She has hooded eyes, and very thick eyebrows, which are usually drawn into a frown. She was gifted with straight teeth, thankfully, but her father insisted on her having a retainer to make sure they stayed that way. She always stands straight, and sits back on her chair, never crossing her legs, so she can 'act like a lady'.

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

4 Jun 2018, 22:16
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor


G E N E R A L  H A P P I N E S S : Unsure at the moment. She hasn't really been the happiest ever since her dad turned into this strict person, but she's also a little frustrated with being at Hogwarts because she knows he's disappointed with her. He didn't want her to end up like her mother, so she's not extremely happy at the moment. To be determined later.
S O C I A L  L E V E L : Extremely good at socializing when it matters, but when it comes down to it, she'd rather have one or two good friends and stick with them instead of a whole group.
O P T I M I S T I C / P E S S I M I S T I C : Realistic. She won't necessarily always look for the negative sides of things, but she's also not going to pretend everything is all sunshine and rainbows.
P O S I T I V E  P E R S O N A L I T Y  T R A I T S :
+ Passionate
+ Excitable
+ Honest
N E G A T I V E  P E R S O N A L I T Y  T R A I T S :
- Stubborn
- Hotheaded
- Blunt
M I S C .  Q U I R K S :
+ Tends to ramble when she's talking about something she loves or just something interesting.
+ Her handwriting is precise and calculated, and she absolutely hates it if anyone messes up her notes or causes her to get ink everywhere
- She can't stand long conversations about things she isn't super interested in, and tends to walk away in the middle of someone's sentence.
- She doesn't see the point in lying so she will tell you you look fat in that dress if you ask her for her opinion
+ She would kill anyone for her friends, and will be forever loyal to them
+ She's terrified of disappointing her father, so her biggest concern is making sure her grades are the highest
- She doesn't know when to let go of things, and keeps grudges for a long time
- She's quick to anger and already has a collection of swear words to say if anyone makes her especially mad
R E L I G I O N : She leans more towards the Jewish faith of her unknown mother, rather than her father's Catholicism. It's the one thing of hers she will never let him criticize or try to change.
F A V O U R I T E  F O O D : She went to Canada a few years ago and tried a delicacy called poutine, and has been absolutely obsessed with it ever since. She's tried to make the perfect one but never seems to be able to.
F A V O U R I T E  D R I N K S : She used to adore regular fruit punch, but after she tried pumpkin juice on the train, she's simply in love with it and has it with every meal.
F A V O U R I T E  C O L O U R S : Ironically, green is her favourite colour. She isn't very fond of red, and wouldn't have minded being sorted into Slytherin if she got to wear the nice green ties that they got to wear

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

5 Jun 2018, 00:54
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor
General Character Info


R E L A T I O N S H I P  S T A T U S : unavailable
P L A C E  O F  R E S I D E N C E : Currently at Hogwarts, Scotland, and Edinburgh, Scotland.
P L A C E  O F  B I R T H : Edinburgh, Scotland.
O C C U P A T I O N : Student, babysitter
H O U S E : Gryffindor
E N E M I E S : Unknown
W E A L T H  S T A T U S : Muggle world - High. Wizarding world - unknown

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

5 Jun 2018, 01:04
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor


B I R T H P L A C E : Edinburgh, Scotland
P A R E N T S : Andrew Summers, unknown
H I S T O R Y : Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, to famed author Andrew Summers, and an unknown witch mother, it was clear from the start that Elizabeth, who prefers to be called Liz because it makes her sound 'more grown up', wasn't going to have an easy childhood.  She grew up away from too much magic, so as to have a regular childhood, but just enough so that she wasn't completely clueless when she arrived at Hogwarts. She attended muggle primary and elementary school until she received her Hogwarts letter.
Her father remarried when she was just 5 years old, and luckily for Elizabeth, her stepmother was an angel. Her father, however, was another story. After he remarried, and Liz started school, Andrew started treating her as a lower being, like she was an idiot. If she didn't get perfect grades on everything, even just a simple craft, she was considered a disappointment. Her half-siblings were all held on pedestals, but because Elizabeth's mother was a witch, Elizabeth was a bother for her father. Her relationship with her siblings was not strained despite the obvious favoritism, and she often writes to them about everything going on. They all find magic fascinating, and so does their mother.
Elizabeth's only wish is to make her father proud, and if that means getting kicked out of wizarding school and being a perfect little muggle girl again, she'd do it in a heartbeat.

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

5 Jun 2018, 01:51
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor



A N D R E W  W A Y N E  S U M M E R S (Father)
Born and currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Stern
- Condescending
- Rude

(Strained relationship)

E M I L I A  L I L I A  G A T E S - S U M M E R S (stepmother)
Born in Glasgow, Scotland. 
Currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
+ Caring
+ Sympathetic
- Oblivious

(close relationship, mother-daughter bond)

J A M E S  A R T H U R  S U M M E R S (half-brother)
Born and currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
+ Energetic
+ Kind 
+ Imaginative

(strong relationship, brother-sister bond)

A N N A  M A Y  A N D  J A D A  L Y N N  S U M M E R S (half-sisters)
Born and currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
+ Bubbly
+ Joyful
+ Imaginative

(strong relationship, sisterly bond)




M A I S Y  D A N E (Acquaintance)
Lives in Norwich, England.
+ Kind
+ Hardworking
+ Clumsy

(relationship developing positively)

J O H N  J O H N S (Acquaintance)
Lives in Saundersfoot, Wales.
- Oblivious
+ Joyful
- Easily distracted


K H R I S  B A I L E Y (Acquaintance)
Lives in London, England.
+ Shy
+ Helpful
+ Attentive


A N T H O N I A  D I A M A N D I S (Acquaintance, dormmate)
Lives in Manchester, England.
+ Caring
+ Helpful
+ Considerate

(relationship developing positively)

T H O M A S  L U R K I N G (Acquaintance)
Lives in Bristol, London.
- Obnoxious
+ Intelligent
- Spacey

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D

The personality traits written above are not exact, they are merely Elizabeth's opinion on the people
Last edited by Elizabeth Summers on 7 Jun 2018, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.

Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.

5 Jun 2018, 01:57
Elizabeth Summers, Second Year, Gryffindor



A Quiet Place To Read open
Similarity In Opinion private



Do not assume that because I am small that I am weak; I have the heart and strength of a lion.