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21 May 2018, 11:27
Alma Malvado | Third Year | Slytherin

Full Name: Alma Charlotte Malvado
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old
Birthday: February 14th
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: English
Place of Birth: Durham, England
Hometown: London, England
Year: Third
House: Slytherin
Wand: Cherry Wood and Dragon Heartstring, 21,1 cm
Favourite subjects: Charms, History of Magic, Potions
Least favourite subjects: Flying Lessons, Astronomy
Blue eyes
Black hair (dyed red)
Fair skin
Average height and weight for her age

Alma Malvado was, to many, an ideal picture of a Ravenclaw. Born into a family of academics and philophiles and as the second-oldest of 4 children, it was Alma’s duty to follow in her family’s footsteps and study to eventually inherit the family business. Seeing as said family business mainly consisted out of books, Alma was in her element.

Her family, or rather her father (Ares) and his two older brothers (Olysseus and Hypatos) that lived with the family, owned a rather sizeable bookshop for antique, second-hand, as well as crisp new editions of books, scripts, scrolls; anything really as long as it contained the written word.

Malvado’s Marvelous Manuscripts” it was called and could be found in the heart of Knockturn Alley.

Needless to say, Alma’s family was very much obsessed with books. Her mother, Charlotte Malvado née Rosier loved to travel and hunt down rare editions of books whenever she wasn’t tied down with her job as leading expert for magical, European artifacts of the 12th to 16th century. She also wrote the most boring, though highly educational dissertations Alma ever had had the misfortune to read. Her little sisters, the twins Daphne and Antheia, collected the little keepsakes they found tucked away in books, once used as makeshift bookmarks. Her father was a herbalist, spending most of his free time in the garden or writing books about plants both magical and mundane. Uncle Olysseus wrote rather unsuccessful love-novellas.

Despite the fact that Alma really only took interest in her father’s books (knowing the names and properties of plants was rather useful for a number of her classes and she rather liked flowers), she dutifully read each and every one of her family’s books. Despite the fact that she learned quite a bit from all these books (even if that consisted of mostly terrible pick-up-lines when it came to Olysseus’ works), her true passion still lay in books about spellcrafting.

Alma bore a number of scars on her body, mostly burns or cuts from explosions and resulting shrapnel; results of her experimentation with the complex art or forging spells out of raw magic. It also was the reason she kept her hair tied up and out of the way at all times, as it was easier to avoid completely burning it off with yet another failed attempt. Still, she remained confident that she’d master the craft. One day. One very distant day.

When she arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, instead of Ravenclaw like the rest of her tightly-knit family had been, she was neither concerned nor overly surprised. She supposed she was ambitious above all else. Her mother’s only comment was that she shouldn’t have been surprised either, seeing as there was Rosier-blood running through Alma’s veins. And even if she didn’t fit in with the other Slytherins, Alma didn’t plan on spending much time in the dormitories, anyways. There was a whole new library to discover, books to read. Maybe here, she’d finally master the art of spell-crafting. Or, at the very least, avoid further explosions.
Last edited by Alma Malvado on 3 May 2020, 16:32, edited 14 times in total.

‘Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.’ - Severus Snape, Half-Blood Prince

21 May 2018, 11:31
Alma Malvado | Third Year | Slytherin
Last edited by Alma Malvado on 15 Oct 2019, 21:52, edited 2 times in total.

‘Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.’ - Severus Snape, Half-Blood Prince

21 May 2018, 11:32
Alma Malvado | Third Year | Slytherin


Ares Malvado (Father)
Charlotte Malvado nee Rosier (Mother)
Olysseus Malvado (Uncle, father’s side)
Hypatos Malvado (Uncle, father’s side)
Orpheus Malvado (Brother, 21 years old)
Daphne Malvado (Sister, 6 years old)
Antheia Malvado (Sister, 6 years old)

Marcia Kingsleigh | Shared Dorm | Marcia appears to be a friendly girl with whom Alma could eventually become friends. After a rather awkward start that included Alma drawing a wand at the other girl at one point, they seem to have found common ground with their shared interest in Muggel pop culture

Bailey Byrne | Shared Dorm | Alma does not yet know what do make of the girl, yet she appears friendly enough for Alma to enjoy having her in her dorm.

Katya Petrov | Shared Dorm | Alma knows little to nothing about the girl except that she apparently doesn’t want much to do with Alma. She does seem to have impeccable hearing, which leaves Alma curious, weary and rather impressed
Last edited by Alma Malvado on 15 Oct 2019, 21:54, edited 2 times in total.

‘Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.’ - Severus Snape, Half-Blood Prince