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3 Sep 2020, 16:53
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
"A dog will look down when he's done wrong. A snake will look you right in your eyes..."
Note: In Progress, Is Slightly Inaccurate
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 18 Feb 2024, 04:44, edited 34 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

3 Sep 2020, 16:58
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
Basic Information
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
Wren Bailey Windgazer
Wizard Born
14 Years
August 22, 2009
Tramore, Ireland
H. Year
Fourth Year
Leo, the Lion
Wren has very straight, chestnut brown hair. She keeps her hair over her ear on the left side, while on the right side she lets it stay over her ear. Wren is a bit taller, skinnier, and lighter than the average, but she prefers this because of her love of climbing. It makes it much easier to get up into the trees, which it's not uncommon to see her in one. Her eyes are an icy green, meaning that they are more of a medium-light green instead of dark. Because she is blind in one eye, her right eye is a white color. It is often the first thing people notice when they meet her, but she has grown used to it. She also has a scar from a time on her brother’s broomstick. She had thankfully closed her eyes when she fell off the broom (her brother had taken her for a ride), but it still resulted in a scar. It goes left to right, across the bridge of her nose. Her mother wanted to remove it, as she didn't like it, but Wren purposely kept it. She thought it gave her "personality".

Wren is very brave, and has an eagerness for adventure. Talking in front of people does not bother her, although she prefers to go off by herself. Possibly with a close friend. She is kind, though she never felt herself a Hufflepuff. She is smart and knows many spells from her older brother, Merrick, both good and bad. All of them she records in a notebook so she can remember to learn them later. It includes lots of useful spells for defense, but there is a large section with some jinxes and curses. Wren is also very tricky and is not afraid to break rules. She’s very fast, agile, and good at maneuvering. This is very useful for her as she does not always follow the rules, and because of this she has never been caught doing anything bad. Wren is also incredibly sneaking, which adds to the fact that she has never been caught. She is ambitious and wants to accomplish great things. She will do a lot to make her dreams happen, but unlike her family makes sure it does not cause anyone harm. Wren is very comfortable on a broomstick, as her older brother would let her ride his. It is not her biggest desire to be on a Quidditch team, but being a skilled flyer she feels she would do well.
Wren was born blind in her right eye. She has learned to work with it, but sometimes she does have problems with things coming up on her right side.
While it is not a very common thing, Wren can see Thestrals. As everyone knows, Threstrals can only be seen by people who have seen death. When she was younger, Wren had the very unfortunate event of seeing her younger cousin pass away.
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 18 Feb 2024, 22:31, edited 23 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

5 Sep 2020, 16:50
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.
Life Before School
Wren was born in Tramore, Ireland, on August 22, 2009.

Magic Experiences
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 8 Jan 2023, 22:03, edited 16 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

24 Sep 2020, 01:32
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
Through the Years
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 8 Jan 2023, 22:02, edited 4 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

14 Oct 2020, 04:24
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
Home Life
Families are like branches on a tree. They each grow in different directions but have the same roots.
The Windgazer Family

Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 8 Jan 2023, 22:02, edited 6 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

14 Oct 2020, 04:24
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
The snake will always bite back.
People That Know About Wren
Paisley Brown - "Hello, Old Friend"
The Discovery
Wren first found out that she could speak to snakes when she was 7 years old.
I had always felt I was different from everyone else. Unique, strange, abnormal. I was always that kid at school off by myself, preferring to be away from everyone. The kid who most people avoided. And the older I became, the more weird and strange I felt. But it wasn’t until I turned 7 that I concluded this idea. After my first magic experience, I became feared by lots of the kids at my school. This made me feel even more like my family, which I despised. But it didn’t stop there.
Very shortly after my first magic incident, I became aware of a soft whisper in my house. Originally I just thought that it was my imagination. No one else seemed to hear it, and I couldn’t even make out any of the words. I tried to think that I was only hearing it because of a book I'd read, although I couldn’t remember what book it was. A similar thing had happened to a character, I told myself, but a nervous thought kept nagging at me. It didn’t seem right, that I’d read it in a book, but I continued to push away the thought.
It went on like this for days, with me trying to convince myself that I was just hearing it because of my wild imagination. But as time passed, I didn’t think this was true at all. My magic was slowly getting a little stronger, and along with it the voice. After several weeks, it was loud enough that I could start distinguishing words.
Eventually being in the house freaked me out, as the words were getting louder and still no one seemed to hear them. Deciding to go to the library, I began looking for the one word I kept hearing. Parselmouth. I had seen it before, I knew, but I didn’t know where. It took all day, but finally I found something. A magic book, undoubtedly left by an irresponsible wizard, with a small chapter on Parselmouths. It explained it as an incredibly rare ability that few people have. It allows them to speak in Parseltongue, the language of snakes. I read the chapter over and over, taking in as much information as possible.
That night, just before I went to bed, I noticed movement in the corner of my room. One close look told me it was a snake. Excited and nervous after what I read that day, I decided to test my theory.
“You’ve been speaking to me, haven’t you? You’re that voice I keep hearing?” I asked the snake clearly, feeling slightly ridiculous all the while. It immediately faded as the snake dipped its head in response, clearly nodding. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I had asked the snake something, it understood, and it answered.
“I, um,” I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say next, “How can this be? I mean you can really understand me?” Once again, the snake nodded. Although this time it was followed by the same soft, hissing voice I had been hearing for so long.
“Yes, I can understand you and you me. It is rare for a human like you to speak with snakes. I have met only one other, many years ago.” it hissed. This time I nodded back, carefully listening as the snake continued.
“I assume you know by now that you are what is called a Parselmouth?”
“Yes, I guess I do.” I replied. I continued to talk with the snake late into the night, all other thoughts completely forgotten. All I knew was that I suddenly had a deep fascination with snakes, and I didn’t want this night to end. Unfortunately, it ended all too quickly. I had been so into the conversation that I didn’t notice my mother enter the room until the snake darted away. I wasn’t sure what to do as she closed the door, a terrified expression on her face.
“Mother, I… I don’t know how to explain this.” I began, wondering how exactly to go about this. Before I could think of something to say, my mother stopped me.
“A Parselmouth, Wren, is an incredibly rare gift. You should be…” she hesitated, “proud you have it.” One look at her face told me that this was not something to be proud of. I didn’t understand what was bad about it, but suddenly I was feeling nervous. This just made me even more of an outcast.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I kind of just figured it out today.” I replied, but deep down I knew I wasn’t sorry about keeping it a secret.
“Yes, well, I’d prefer you tell me about things like this.”
I nodded then, not really sure where this conversation was going, said, “How exactly can I do this? I mean, wouldn’t someone in our family have to be a Parselmouth for me to be one?” I could have swore my mother flinched at this. She seemed incredibly uneasy, but I still didn’t understand why.
“Your great great grandfather, Adarick, was a Parselmouth. Somehow he must have passed the talent on to you.” said my mother. I nodded understandingly.
“Well, I guess you should be getting to bed now, Wren.” she said, opening up the door. She still looked very uneasy and frightened, and I almost felt sorry for her until I heard her mutter something as she closed the door.
“Hopefully Wren gets into Slytherin and not Gryffindor like her brother. Imagine yet another child in Gryffindor, and one of them a Parselmouth…” I didn’t hear the rest as the door clicked close. Realization that she only cared about the family reputation washed over me. For a moment I had a deep desire to get into Slytherin, to keep the Slytherin house in the family. Yet almost immediately after I wanted to get in Gryffindor to prove that they can be Parselmouths too. I fell asleep thinking about everything that night.
From that day on, my parents made a rule that I wasn’t to speak in Parseltongue. My father said that it was because it could freak people out, but I knew the real reason. Of course, I only followed this rule during the day. At night, I often fell asleep practicing and thinking about what house I’d get into. I knew Parselmouths were usually associated with the dark arts and Slytherins, but this was my chance to prove it wrong…

Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 8 Jan 2023, 21:59, edited 17 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

14 Oct 2020, 04:25
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 8 Jan 2023, 22:01, edited 4 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."

14 Oct 2020, 04:25
Wren Windgazer | Fourth Year | Gryffindor
Second Year
N/A - Inactive
Third Year
Paisley Brown

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."