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20 Aug 2020, 15:49
🌟 Paisley Brown | Fourth Year | Gryffindor 🌟
Paisley Brown
Gryffindor, Fourth Year, Werewolf
Table of Contents

1. Basic Information
2. x
3. x
4. x
5. x
✧ Pronouns: She/her
✧ Age: Fourteen
✧ Birthday: March 30th
✧ Hair: Brown
✧ Eyes: Dull Green
✧ Species: Werewolf
✧ Enneagram: Type Nine
✧ Zodiac: Aries
✧ Color: Orange
✧ Subject: Herbology
✧ Fears: Cats, rejection
✧ Status: Half-blood
✧ Nationality: English
✧ Residency: London
"With change
comes the chance
to fall in love
with yourself again"-
Gemma Troy
Author's Notes
Image Credits
Walking photo: effect chocolate by jungkookiesdiarv on polarr
Cauldron photo: effect hwaa by poacodes on polarr
Last edited by Paisley Brown on 18 Feb 2024, 20:35, edited 127 times in total.

"Making a lark of the misery" - TS

20 Aug 2020, 16:30
🌟 Paisley Brown | Fourth Year | Gryffindor 🌟
These are the relationships I thought were significant to Paisley and her story (who are still active).
Sarah Lightwood

One of Paisley's closest friends. They're both terrible at timing their meaningful moments, but nevertheless they've grown very fond of each other. This is Paisley's closest friend at Hogwarts.
Akari Kato

A very nice girl whom Paisley has gotten to know very well. While they are on friendly terms they don't know each other too well yet, but have a fun time together.
Wren Windgazer

Paisley hates and loves Wren at the same time. They grew close after many shenanigans at school, but they are constantly arguing and competing with each other.
Isadora Greene

Paisley's letter was sent to the wrong person, and instead of just ignoring the owl, Isadora responded and the two girls have become pen-pals.
Last edited by Paisley Brown on 7 Jul 2021, 18:45, edited 38 times in total.

"Making a lark of the misery" - TS

1 Sep 2020, 00:55
🌟 Paisley Brown | Fourth Year | Gryffindor 🌟


By Calypso Starling
note: Paisley's mother is Madelyn Brown, Paisley's father is Robert Brown
Last edited by Paisley Brown on 4 Jan 2023, 02:31, edited 46 times in total.

"Making a lark of the misery" - TS

1 Sep 2020, 01:01
🌟 Paisley Brown | Fourth Year | Gryffindor 🌟
Last edited by Paisley Brown on 4 Jan 2023, 02:32, edited 19 times in total.

"Making a lark of the misery" - TS

1 Sep 2020, 01:02
🌟 Paisley Brown | Fourth Year | Gryffindor 🌟

Name: August Henry

School: Ilvermorny

Year: 1st year

House: Pukwudgie

Blood status: wizard-born


August doesn’t know the definition of the words ‘fit it’. His hair is a bright blue, which is, of course, dyed. You can never be quite sure, but he is most often seen with eyes that are stunningly emerald colored, due to the use of contacts. On occasion they are purple, but this is only when he wants to shake things up.
Of course, before he decided to do-up his look a bit, his hair was blond. Boring. His eyes have always been light blue, but that clashes with his dyed hair, hence the use of contacts most days.

August is often found wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans, along with ankle hiking boots he had been given for his birthday . A singular black rubber ring sits upon his center left finger, which is there to describe himself. It has the word "cessabit" which means calm in Latin.
Extra Details

Weight: 95 lbs
Height: 5 foot 3 inches
Calm. Extroverted. Fun. These are pretty much all synonyms of August. He can be spontaneous at times and always enjoys a good hug when he's feeling low. He never does something just to get attention, there's always a reason of why behind it. Usually, more often than not, the why is Fun!
His heart drives him more so than his head, making it so that he can make irrational decisions for the right reasons. When he's feeling particularly sad, he tends to push others away, making himself seem selfish.
Still, he has a heart of gold and it is never his mission to make another person suffer.
August was born on August 1st. Perhaps this is why his mom gave him his name, or perhaps it’s just because it’s a good name. Whatever the reason, he was a definite Leo (Zodiac) from the moment he was born.
August’s late father’s name was Jack, and his mother’s name is Juliet. August’s father, Jack, was lost before his son was born in a terrible broom crash. He was missed dearly by mother and children both, and although August had never known him, he had seen enough pictures and heard enough stories to be able to imagine what he was like.
Juliet, August, and August’s siblings lived in a small house in Pennsylvania, USA. August had two older siblings, Hadley and Hayley, who were 3 years older than him. They were twins, and they all shared a squishy but cheerful room. They were always playing together, and Hadley and Hayley loved to dress August up in their clothes. August didn’t mind this, of course. He thought it was great fun. His favorite costume was a hotdog outfit, because whenever he wore it he always got to eat a hotdog to be matching.
It had been a rainy day, which was absolutely boring. August had already finished two puzzles, finished building blocks with Hadley and Hayley, and even tried to grab his mother's wand (that had been stopped before anything had happened, of course)
Now what was he supposed to do? Growing very annoyed (partially because of all the sweets) August had stormed around the house in a very rare fury. His mother, knowing this was not normal August behavior, put a pot of boiling water on the stove to make noodles, because perhaps he was just hungry.
When at last August calmed down, at least for the moment, the pot of noodles stopped boiling. The water overflowed and dripped onto the floor. It was a wet disaster but the water wouldn’t stop coming. Pretty soon it cooled, and then turned so cold it was ice. When Hadley went over to touch it, her hand came back freezing.
It was a strange sight, and the weirdest thing was, August hadn't even meant to do it this time. Most of his mischief was on purpose, but not this time. This was much too magical.
“So, I guess I’m a wizard?” asked August hopefully, in his small 2 year-old voice. His mother nodded. That was the best moment of August’s life.
Plenty had happened after this. August’s mother had her friend, Thalia over often, and she became almost like August’s second mother. She had even moved into their small house for a while, and it became even more cramped. Still, Thalia told them the best stories, and even demonstrated a few spells for them if they'd been good that day.
Juliet met another special someone, and their wedding was short and quick. It all seemed to happen in an instant. August didn’t like this new guy… his name was Jonathan. What an icky name. They were great January through November, but as soon as Jonathan learned Juliet was having kids, he left, leaving August and the rest of the family alone once again. It was sad for all of them, but given all of the hardships they had faced, they would make it through this one as well. Thalia moved out, much to the disappointment of August.
His younger twin half-siblings, Declan and Caleb, were born. August, being seven years old, wondered why he was the only one without a twin. He seemed to be the mediator between the two sets. He didn’t particularly enjoy being stuck in the middle, but at least he got the best of both worlds.
Only a year until Hadley and Hayley went to Ilvermorny. Books were bought already. They started learning, practicing with sticks. Juliet wanted her daughters to be as prepared as they could. Hadley and Hayley could barely wait.
With only 3-year old Declan and Caleb to keep him company, August moped around. The holidays were the best times, when he got to see his sister again. He would paint them all sorts of wonderful pictures.
Declan and Caleb had their first sign of magic. They would both be attending Ilvermorny in time as well.
Only two years! Declan and Caleb have formed a band, and they’re not bad at playing.
Hadley and Hayley begin to teach August everything he’ll need to know about being an Ilvermorny student. He starts to wonder if he'll ever be good enough to get in.
At last the time has come! Everyone is happy. The letter was well-expected, after the boiling pot incident. August supposed he’d better start caring about school, because this wasn’t just going to be boring math and things like that. This was going to be fun! He was going to be a Pukwudgie, he just knew it.
Abilities: Calming Presense

August was chill. He didn’t particularly care about anything much. Nothing really stressed him out, unless it was really serious. His aura put him and others around him in a state of calm that seemed contagious.
When August was small, he rarely threw tantrums. He would let his sisters dress him up, feed him, and even make rides out of laundry baskets for him, all without even a slight groan or complaint you'd expect from a young toddler. Even when he was upset it was hard to say he was mad or angry. He was just annoyed, and that was when you knew you were doing something rude or obnoxious. Irritating the young boy was hard.
As he grew older, the young boy got into painting. He joined a muggle class; he didn't mind muggles very much. In the end, they were all human, weren't they?
Unfortunately, due to getting a slight fever, he had to miss the first week of the class. When he finally got to go, the class went as he expected it should. The teacher directed them on what to do, handed out the supplies, and they started to paint. The classroom was fairy quiet, only small, on-topic and focused conversations could be heard.
Once the class was finished, everyone turned in their paintings. It seemed so simple, August could tell something had gone wrong. The look in the teacher's eye told him that much. He took to sitting in a small plastic chair by the window, waiting for his mother.
Once his mother arrived, the teacher went to speak with her. August couldn't hear what they were saying, but it went like this:
"Your son," said the teacher, playing with her necklace, "made this class interesting todau."
"Oh? How?" Juliet asked, raising an eyebrow.
"He was so-"
"He seemed to make the class so normal. I didn't have to tell a single student off for being unfocused or off-topic. It was like something out of a movie!"
"Is that a problem? Also, how do you know it was my son? I do suppose you'd think perhaps the class is just well-behaved?"
The teacher shook her head. "Oh, you should've seen them last week. Throwing paint, yelling! And I'm sure it was your son! That or magic. Really, it was strange."
Juliet looked appalled the muggle would suggest such a thing. This was a sensitive subject for her, after almost blowing her magical cover in her youth.
"There's no such thing as magic," she said curtly, and then turned on her heel.
August, who had been waiting patiently, staring out the window at a butterfly, followed his mother out of the door, not saying anything.
They didn't go back to that painting class, but luckily August continued on with painting throughout his childhood.
The older August got, the calmer he seemed to be. Not even the most important test, the most stressful day, or the most pressure-filled situation could shake him.
There was no doubt about it. August was just calm. No other word could describe him perfectly.

WC: 515
Last edited by Paisley Brown on 12 May 2021, 03:42, edited 22 times in total.

"Making a lark of the misery" - TS