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30 Jul 2020, 19:56
Era Ryder | First Year | Slytherin

Full Name: Era Vivian Ryder
House: Slytherin
Age: 11
Wand: 30,3 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
School Year: First
Patronus: Not Applicable Yet
Species: Human
History/Background Story:
Unlike many other wizardborn, Era lived a rather normal childhood. The one responsible for this was mostly her muggleborn mother, Anne Ryder, who wanted her children to get as much muggle education as they could before being sent off to Hogwarts. She did, however, not completely abstain from magic in her own home - nor forbid her husband, Era's father, Patrick to use it. Thus Era grew up in a magical home, but lived her life like her school friends around her did, since Anne kept magic-related books and knowledge from her so she would focus on the muggle side of things.
Yet inquisitive as she was even from a very young age, she managed to catch a slip up of her vigilant mother, and get her hands on a book about histories greatest wizards and their accomplishments - mostly embellished, an entertaining read more than a real history book, which only served to set the child's imagination aflame with her own future feats of greatness. After that Anne had been twice as careful to keep those things away from Era, but it wouldn't last long.

Ever since she learned how to, Era loved almost nothing more than reading books of any kind - History books, fantasy and other story books, non-fiction about various subjects and sometimes even encyclopaedias. Whatever texts she could get her hands own, the young girl devoured them eagerly.
This would create a minor problem for young Era though, as constantly burying her nose in all manner of books eventually attracted some bullies.
A few months before her ninth birthday, she was minding her own business, reading at the local library of Haxey as usual, when two older girls from her school approached her with a few... Unkind words. Despite Era's attempts at ignoring them, they would not leave her alone, persistently picking on her until the wizardborn had enough. In a moment of overboiling fury, she wished for nothing more than two heavy books to obstruct the constant, annoying stream of words coming out of their empty heads - and with a start she realized that precisely that happened. Her bullies, finding the experience rather unpleasant, quickly scrambled to get out of there before this crazy girl would start throwing more tomes - some of the ones on her table looked even heavier, after all.
Era, on the other hand, was immensely satisfied, as she knew that she could never have flung those books around with such ease - and with the lack of any other person present, there was only one explanation: Her magic had finally started to show.

After her first use of magic, Era finally got the introduction into the world she had yearned to learn about for so long, and now that she is at Hogwarts her eagerness knows no bounds.
Her ambition to excel, the drive to become a wizard of note, saw her placed into Slytherin, where her journey truly begins.

30 Jul 2020, 19:58
Era Ryder | First Year | Slytherin

- Jennefer Ryder (Twin sister)
- Patrick Ryder (father)
- Anne Ryder (mother)

Not yet formed, but soon:tm: (at which point this will get prettied up)

30 Jul 2020, 19:58
Era Ryder | First Year | Slytherin
~Roleplay Threads~

None yet!