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1 Jul 2020, 14:25
Remi "Remius" Yao * First Year * Gryffindor

>Meanings? The name Remi Sr. was his family's founder long ago, mid 19th century, in Ivory Coast. In the midst of European Colonization from Muggles and the eventual pact of two pure-blooded families in the area near current day Abidjan. This pact, respected by the four families, was meant for the further protection from the controlling hands of Muggle greed for land and helping the people within Cote de Ivoire (another name for Ivory Coast), be it pure-bloods, half-bloods and even squibs! *** Yao, a recent last name for the family, as they combined with one of the pact families and created a new identity. *** Why Remi calls himself Remius? Well, all cool wizards either have -us thrown onto the end of it and it just sounded cool, let's hope it sticks.

House: Gryffindor


("You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart.")

Age: 11 (September 3rd, 2009)

Wand: 28.3 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather

School Year: 1st year

Patronus: (Not applicable until 6th years)

Species: Pure Human

History/Background Story: With most pure-bloods, this was often the case that even if pure-bloods don't "exist anymore" in the more modern world and in different cultures, they had different ideas of doing so. With Remi's family, it was sadly expulsion of a family member who didn't have magical talent like squibs. Like his grandmother who was a squib, knowing the consequences, she devoid her life as a shaman, a healing doctor, for the people. Other than that, Remi's parents don't speak upon her too much so he doesn't know if she's alive or not.

With real basic knowledge of his family tree, Yao is split sect of two major pure-blood families in west Africa. In theory, he should have plenty more cousins, half-siblings and so on but it's never really talked about in his family, once again. They appeared very reserved about that topic.

Around the early 2000s, both his mother and father had some job opportunity in London that was offered before Yao was even born yet but this question about leaving Ivory Coast (Cote d'ivoire) was out of the question. Though, they would have to change their minds around 2001 due a Ivorian Muggle War as known as the First Ivorian Civil War. From Remi's point of view, he could remember small details how a literal football team, a muggle sports-team, helped to allow a brief moment of calm between rebels and government forces.

With wizarding law, wizards need to stay out of the way of Muggle conflicts and war. Picking out options about having to go to Europe for awhile before things started to die down in Ivory Coast, they picked the latter option.

But plans don't usually stick. Life in London was overall better; jobs paid fairly well which wasn't the main selling point to the Yao family but the reputation of being the first Yao generation to go to any European country and stay. Soon, kids start popping up and this is where Remi was born.

With being a pure-blood, the exception of seeing your child doing magic accidentally was equal to seeing your child learning how to walk for the first time. Maybe Remi was pressured a lot into doing it for some time when he was kindergartner age, playing with magical devices to "incite" a reaction out of the young boy. Eventually, it did it's job but it wasn't exciting. So much so that even Remi doesn't even remember it happening - His parents would go on about how he got mad, little bellowing of steam would come out of his ears in fits of frustration, maybe the toy didn't work like it was suppose to or it was janky by design.

But that's tame and on the boring side. Far more interesting and the notable event was around seven years old, he was walking with his older sister and he could remember clearly but it was so vivid about what happened. After this long walk, he was tired and wanted to take a quick nap and where they were at, they were at the top of a hill with a single Alder tree, towering over the two children.

Placing their back against the tree, Remi looked off into the green fields and hearing his sister go to sleep quicker than he did as he was stuck in the perplexing state of wanting to sleep but couldn't. The soft creeking from the tree was annoying him. As he finally looked up, the branch from the tree appeared to slightly hanging off and right he was looking at it, it was as if it picked this only moment to try to drop on him.

Flinching hard and closing his eyes, he wait to feel the impact of a stick coming upon his head as he covered his face with his hands!

Well, he thought so. The noise of a stick flying through the leaves of the trees and something cutting through the air before the thud in the middle of the empty field of grass, a large stick was there.

Remi would blink and look back at his snoring sister. Not wanting to interrupt her, he chose to stay up until she woke up again so they could go back home. No more sticks were about to land on his head, no way!

As of recently, as Remi is now eleven, he is officially the only child in the house as all three of his older sisters are doing their own thing. Two of them went back home to Ivory Coast while one of them is currently travelling. The inevitable letter from Hogwarts by a barn owl coming to his doorstep was...

Humbling, to say the least. Back in Ivory Coast, genies or water-sprites as that made more sense to Remi use to help giving messages about education letters via word but here, it appears to be different. Nevertheless, it's great to know that he'll finally be out of the house and will be going to the old school known as Hogwarts. (I'll pretty this place up once I get use to this stuff again)
Last edited by Remi Yao on 22 Aug 2020, 03:46, edited 10 times in total.

Speaking Font: Futura | Stamina: 6 - Evasion: 9 - Strength: 1 - Wisdom: 10 - Arcane: 3 - Accuracy: 6 | "First Year Pride."

1 Jul 2020, 14:25
Remi "Remius" Yao * First Year * Gryffindor
Last edited by Remi Yao on 5 Aug 2020, 20:21, edited 7 times in total.

Speaking Font: Futura | Stamina: 6 - Evasion: 9 - Strength: 1 - Wisdom: 10 - Arcane: 3 - Accuracy: 6 | "First Year Pride."

1 Jul 2020, 14:25
Remi "Remius" Yao * First Year * Gryffindor

Sylvain Indarys
  • Sylvian or what Remi likes to call him, Syl. A really cool dude who brought Remi some ice-cream during Diagon Alley and talked a little bit. Likeness score? 80!

Likeness score is a score to 0 to 100, 0 is enemy all the way to 100, a sibling or someone who can be trusted!
Last edited by Remi Yao on 5 Aug 2020, 21:14, edited 4 times in total.

Speaking Font: Futura | Stamina: 6 - Evasion: 9 - Strength: 1 - Wisdom: 10 - Arcane: 3 - Accuracy: 6 | "First Year Pride."

12 Aug 2020, 06:08
Remi "Remius" Yao * First Year * Gryffindor
Family (W I P)

This thirty-six-year-old man with the same expressiveness as Remi himself, having overly confident vibes around him which can be comforting which gives a warm 'dad feel'. He can sometimes become scatter-brain when not ready or if anything spontaneous happens.

Born on July 21st, 1984

Speaking Font: Futura | Stamina: 6 - Evasion: 9 - Strength: 1 - Wisdom: 10 - Arcane: 3 - Accuracy: 6 | "First Year Pride."

29 Aug 2020, 03:49
Remi "Remius" Yao * First Year * Gryffindor
Place Holder (Clubs!)

Speaking Font: Futura | Stamina: 6 - Evasion: 9 - Strength: 1 - Wisdom: 10 - Arcane: 3 - Accuracy: 6 | "First Year Pride."