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23 Jun 2020, 22:48
Calvin Moore | First Year | Ravenclaw
Calvin Scott Moore
‘Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.’ –Socrates
Biographical Information
Date of Birth: October 30
Species: Human
Patronus: N/A
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First
Wand Information
Length: 29.7 cm
Wood: Chestnut wood
Core: Dragon heartstring
Wandlore below!
  • This is a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varies greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and takes a great deal of colour from the personality that possesses it. The wand of chestnut is attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers.
  • As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.

23 Jun 2020, 22:53
Calvin Moore | First Year | Ravenclaw
More Information
Growing up, Calvin had a happy childhood in Jarrow, England. His mother, Rachael Harper, was abandoned by his father long before the young would ever form memories of the man. In fact, the two never married; Calvin wasn't exactly planned at all. No matter, Rachael was a hard working woman, and through willpower alone she cared for her only son as a single, working mother. Eventually she met the man soon to be Calvin's stepfather, Josiah Moore. The two got along well, having experienced similar losses of a spouse walking out and leaving them to parent their kid(s) alone, and the two got married around when Calvin was five. Josiah had two children from his previous engagements, twin four-year-old girls by the name of April and Joanna. Calvin loved them like they were his blood siblings, he had no reason not to after all. Eventually, Josiah and Rachael made the decision to have another child and the youngest of the family, a boy named Jude, came into the picture when Calvin was eight. The family unit is happy, healthy, and harmonious, with both parents working hard to give their children the best life they could provide.

One instance in his youth would be life-changing, although he wouldn't come to know of that fact until his eleventh birthday. When Calvin was nine, he was helping his mother prepare a birthday cake for his younger siblings. All was well in the kitchen, but as his mother left the room to attend to other matters, the boy's clumsiness resulted in him dropping the cake! It had been freshly frosted and everything! However, just before the confectionery masterpiece went splat on the ground, for whatever reason, the cake hovered. Calvin was able to recover the pastry unharmed, and though he was bewildered by the event, he kept it to himself largely for fear of being laughed at. Little did the boy know, he'd soon be embarking on a journey that was practically unfathomable in a few years as a result of this display of magic.
Calvin is remarkably tall for his age, even at 11 years old he stood out among his peers. He gets this trait from his parents, both of whom are tall, and he shares it with his half-siblings. His blue eyes are dull and unassuming, almost as if there isn't a single thought going on behind them, though this impression is deceiving. Often, his mouth is quirked into a gentle smile. Calvin's hair is blonde, cut into a bowl befit any 11 year old boy. He is Caucasian, though his skin is not overly fair, as he is the sort to run around outside a lot.
Always one to be active, Calvin frequently played an awful lot of sports growing up. The boy was incredibly competitive, never taking a loss at face value. Hard work was a quality instilled in the boy from a young age, through the influence of his mother and stepfather. Above all, however, despite Cal's seeming lack of intelligence: the boy adored to learn how things worked. It often took him a long while to come to conclusion, but he was tireless in his pursuit of them. Particularly in fields that interested him: like rugby strategy, or geography, the boy excelled to absurd degrees, bordering on prodigy status due to his obsessive nature. His intelligence on subjects that interest him often comes as a shock, as when Calvin is uninterested in something, his passion for it is practically nonexistent. For example, the boy cared little for math growing up, and as a result he still struggles with his multiplication tables.

23 Jun 2020, 22:56
Calvin Moore | First Year | Ravenclaw
Relationships at Hogwarts
None yet!
None yet!
None yet!
None yet!