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1 Jun 2020, 04:45
Aeri Vento | Second Year | Hufflepuff
I'll teach the lot and treat
them just the same.


Get to Know Aeri
Full Name: Aeri Vento
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 12
Wand: 25.9 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
School Year: First year
Patronus: (Not applicable until 6th years)
Species: Human

Background Story:
Aeri is an only child, born on the first of June in 2008. She has been living in London all her life, and her mum taught her everything she knows. She is a shy kid, and has the tendency to be nervous about the littlest of things— especially going to Hogwarts. She oftentimes claims to be closer to her mum, although her dad does not know about that. A lot of people say she shares her mother's features: brown hair, blue eyes; but she has her father's nose (a bit too pointy for her taste).

Her dad has been traveling all around the world for work, and usually goes home before Christmas. He has a strong passion for collecting books (mostly Muggle literature). And just like her dad, Aeri loves to read, too, specially books with loads of moving pictures. If she isn't reading, she would usually be writing short poems about her father's adventures. She has quite the imagination compared to children her age, especially given the fact that she only lives vicariously through her father.

For the most of her life, Aeri was stuck with her mum, who is an excellent cook to say the least. She would usually bring out treacle tarts for Aeri and her best friend, Elizabeth, while they play in the garden. Unfortunately, Eli will not be joining Aeri to Hogwarts this year.

Upon entering Hogwarts, she was sorted to the friendly House of Hufflepuff.

First instance of magic:
It was during Aeri's 8th birthday when she accidentally broke her favorite mermaid-print mug into pieces. It was the first time she showed hints of magic, after being so upset about her dad missing her birthday party. The day after, her dad arrived bearing 8 gift packages wrapped in different colors. One gift for each year Aeri had brought happiness into their lives. Aeri was so amused, her broken favorite mermaid-print mug repaired itself!
Last edited by Aeri Vento on 5 Jul 2020, 19:32, edited 7 times in total.

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1 Jun 2020, 04:53
Aeri Vento | Second Year | Hufflepuff
List of RP

First Year
Hogwarts Express: The Platform, Finally
Hogwarts Express: A Fresh Start (meeting Mars Darlene)
Great Hall: Sorting Ceremony
Great Hall: The Hufflepuff Table

Send me an owl if you're interested in my journey.
Last edited by Aeri Vento on 2 Jun 2020, 19:44, edited 7 times in total.

verso l'alto

1 Jun 2020, 04:55
Aeri Vento | Second Year | Hufflepuff

First Year
Mars Darlene - A student she met on the train to Hogwarts.
Autumn Ivy - Fellow Hufflepuff she met through the Quill Pals.
Mars T'ien - A friend. Aeri and Mars (indirectly) met through the Quill Pals.
Last edited by Aeri Vento on 2 Jun 2020, 19:43, edited 2 times in total.

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