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17 Apr 2020, 21:29
 Ency  Charles Simmons | Second Year | Slytherin
Name | Charles Antione Simmons
Nickname | N/A
| Slytherin
Birthday | 12th of February
Age | 12
School Year | Second
Height | 149cm/4'11"
Status | Half-Breed
Race | Dhampir
Amortentia |~Hot Chocolate, New Books, Fresh Baked Blueberry Muffins~
Patronus | N/A (Suggestion for 6th year: Doe)
Boggart | Giant Spiders
Before Hogwarts

Charles is 11 years old and has short curly brown hair and brown hazel eyes. He is very energetic but shy about his age. The main reason he is shy is because he's a pure-blood. Like most pure-bloods, Charles lived in a magical house but since he was so young he thought, every house was magical. This was when Charles was four because, when he was three he was too busy chasing his parent's pet bird around. To actually think about the magic in his house. When he turned five his parents decided to tell him, all about magic and muggles. They found a way to convince Charles that muggles are below magical beings. And that muggles born with magic were wrong. Charles was homeschooled because his parents did not want him around muggles. So whenever he left the house to go and play he was a bit shy to talk to other kids. He knew it was fine to talk to a few muggles and he had to be nice to them. But he just decided that it was better to steer clear from them. So he did and he came to a mutual agreement with his parents. His parents and Charles thought that having too many Muggle friends was going to be a big distraction. So Charles grew up as a book nerd and rarely talked to muggles. One day a few months after he turned 7 his parents took him to a zoo. Charles was very interested in the fish they had there. So when they got home Charles became a big fish nerd. When he was eight he was bitten by a vampire. After a few days his eye color became black. His parents wanted their child to appear normal, so they got him contact lens. To make his eyes appear a brownish hazel. On Charles's 9th birthday, his parents accidentally got him a book about spiders. Since he had arachnophobia he threw the book on the ground and out of fear he accidentally made clean glass cups just put into a cabinet break. His parents scolded him and he was punished with cleaning up the glass on the floor. Their house might have been able to magically clean dishes and glass cups but it couldn't pick up some broken glass. Was what Charles thought for the rest of that day, and he was very annoyed by it. The next day his parents explained that just because he used magic and did not get in trouble for it, does not mean that he should try to use underage magic. Then when he turned 10 they talked to him about magical schools and depending on where you live. You get put into a certain school, and they used Hogwarts as an example. Because if all went well Charles should go to that school. When Charles turned 11 he got a letter from Hogwarts notifying him and his parents. That they wanted Charles to be a student their and that the school year at Hogwarts would start soon. Even though Charles did not really want to go he agreed to go. Because it seemed to make his parents really happy. Probably because their son is going to finally learn magic. So when they went to Diagon Alley using Floo Powder. His mother already had a letter explaining what she expected from Charles. That she would send to him the day after he arrived at Hogwarts. And he promised his parents he would write every day about his day, but only if they wrote back. When the day to go to Hogwarts finally came. They had a long goodbye in front of the Hogwarts express. But it had to go just in time before Charles changed his mind and decided to stay. His parents probably brought him there so late cause they knew he would probably change his mind at the last minute.
Last edited by Charles Simmons on 6 Oct 2020, 16:55, edited 30 times in total.

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8

17 Apr 2020, 21:46
 Ency  Charles Simmons | Second Year | Slytherin
RPG List So Far |
Last edited by Charles Simmons on 27 Jul 2020, 16:32, edited 25 times in total.

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8

17 Apr 2020, 22:01
 Ency  Charles Simmons | Second Year | Slytherin







-Alina Rosier(Best Freind)





-Lizzie Verdine(Crush)





Last edited by Charles Simmons on 17 Jul 2020, 21:12, edited 10 times in total.

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8

15 Jul 2020, 20:21
 Ency  Charles Simmons | Second Year | Slytherin
Last edited by Charles Simmons on 7 Oct 2020, 18:30, edited 2 times in total.

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8

27 Jul 2020, 16:34
 Ency  Charles Simmons | Second Year | Slytherin
Place holder

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8