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Adalaide Ishida-Käufer
Munich, Germany
First year, Slytherin
30,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring

Full name: Adalaide Maeko Ishida-Käufer
Gender: Female
Age {Birthday | Zodiac}: 11 ; July 26th ; Leo
Nationality: Half German {Father} ; Half Japanese {Mother}
Orientation: Heterosexual, but she is too young to be concerned with relationships.

Languages spoken: German ; English ; Limited Japanese

Height: 4’6
Body Type: A tad below the average weight, due mostly to her diet, but not unhealthy. Just about average height.
Hair {Color | Style}: Cut into long, thick layers; reaches her midback; copper and straight. She doesn’t bother much with styling it unless it’s obscuring her vision.
Eyes: Deep blue; showing a gray tint.

Family: Born to Chiharu Ishida {Mother} and Markus Käufer {Father}. One older brother, Hideo, who she usually refuses to acknowledge.

Prominent Traits: Confident, Emotional, Stubborn, Outspoken, Assertive, Hot-Tempered, Spoiled, Honest, Dedicated.

Likes: Calligraphy ; Ballet ; Ikebana ; White chocolate ; Observing quidditch

Dislikes: Judgment ; Receiving poor grades ; Those stronger than her

Ambitions: To find a way to prove her worth ; To make her family and peers proud ; To outshine all of her competition 

Backstory: Born in Osaka, Japan, and raised in Munich, Adalaide would have attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic if it had not been for the damning, and dangerous mistakes her brother made while attending the same school. Not wishing to be judged solely on his behavior, she gladly accepted her invitation to Hogwarts despite the distance. 

Adalaide was raised in a wealthy, yet somewhat unhealthy environment. With both of her parents constantly dividing their focus between each other, and her nuisance of an older brother, she tends to feel ignored and forgotten by all who care about her, alluding to her childish sense of pride and feigned confidence in an attempt to gain the attention of others.