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Louis Fairbanks
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
26,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring

Standing at the absolutely stunning height of 4’3”, Louis is... quite underwhelming, really. He doesn’t stand out at all, with a meek demeanour and generally plain features. Brown curly hair approaches his eyes, drooping over a plain looking, pale face and hazel eyes.

Born to muggle parents who had no relation to the magical community whatsoever, the only reason he ever was allowed to come to Hogwarts was because the Owl tasked with delivering his letter managed to go through a two centimetre thick opening. Somehow.

Thoroughly overwhelmed in all sense senses of the world, Louis found his life turned upside down. There had been signs of his magical activity, a momentarily floating cup as it fell here and miraculous ball catch there, but they had been passed off as just weird occurances of life, as normal people tend to do. The only definitive proof his parents ever got that he was magic was when his arm stretched far longer than it should have to pluck his hogwarts letter from his father’s hands.

Louis is soft spoken the majority of the time, but has a habit of getting really worked up over even the smallest of matters, speaking quickly and loudly as he gets more and more excited. He’s up for experiencing anything that could vaguely be considered ‘new’, trying to experience anything and everything the wizardig world has to offer him (in the hopes he’ll eventually stop jumping every time a chocolate frog moves).