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Innis Stewart
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
26,2 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Innis Stewart is a pretty, 11-year old girl from Edinburgh, Scotland. She is hot-headed, barbed-tongued, and overly protective. She's mature and responsible, and will not give up on things she's determined to do. She is the only daughter of the Stewart family. Her mother's name is Alissa Stewart, father's is Abraham Stewart, and she has three brothers; Albert Stewart (17 years of age), Jouy Stewart (7 years of age), and Montaveous, Or Monty (19 years of age). The are one family of redheads. Her family is full of pure-breds, and fortunately, she doesn't brag about it- unless you ask. Innis is outstanding in herbology and potions. She's read many books about them. Innis is also fond of nature and it's creatures, except any type of reptiles or mutated things. Her wand is made of dragon heartstring and chestnutwood, and it's rather bendy. If you are truly desperate about homework, she'll help, since she's crazy about finishing work. Innis is an amazing listener, and a supporting friend (if you earned her trust). She's quite nice to teachers, and always in a good mood after watching Quidditch.  Her accent is thick, and her voice was comforting and quiet (if she's not mad, of course). She is redhead with piercing blue eyes. which have tints of green around the pupil. Her house is: Slytherin.

Her friend(s): Oliver Jones, who is homeschooled. They met at a local spelling bee.