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Cassia Allaway
Hastings, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,2 cm alder wood and phoenix feather
Cassia Allaway was born the 7th of April 2007 in Hastings. Cassia is a timid redhead with icy blue eyes. She is 1,75m tall and easily stands out of the crowd, both due to her height and her bright and cheerful personality. If you see her walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, you'll always see her with a big, bright smile on her lips that lights up the room. On her free time, she likes to play with her pets, hang out with her friends and curl up on a couch and read a good book.

Cassia was always a bit spoiled when growing up, mainly since she was the youngest sibling in the family. She started showing magical ability only a few hours after being born which was years earlier than her older siblings. Her whole family was, of course, delighted when they found out they had yet another magical family member, though her parents were surprised when she started making things float around the room when they were still in the hospital.

Cassia has lived on the countryside outside of Hastings her entire life. Her family has a large villa with an enormous backyard where their four dogs can run freely. Her father, Robert, is a pure-blood wizard and works at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, her mother, Maria, is a muggle initially from Sweden but moved to England before she met Cassia's father and she now works at a retail store in central Hastings. Cassia also has a brother and sister, Christian and Luciana, who are both Half-bloods like their sister. Christian is now in his fourth year at Hogwarts in Gryffindor house and avoids Cassia like the plague and Luciana has graduated and works now as an aurologist.

After being cooped up in the same house for 11 years, she looks forward to going to Hogwarts and meet lots of new friends!