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Tristan Baxendale
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,3 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather

On day of March 17th, two boys were born into this world, one named Tristan and another named Dustan. Chase Baxendale was the proud father of these two boys, staying in the hospital for the mother, Serena Baxendale, who cried tears of joy for having her twins. As the years go by, the family was happy as each parent took each turn raising their children. They were both kind and gentle towards the twins though they vary in how they teach about the world. The wealthy muggle father, whose job was to work as an engineer, taught about the adventure that awaits when they will show signs of magic, and Tristan was fascinated. The witch mother, who works as a journalist for the Daily Prophet, taught Tristan about seeking the truth in everyone, no matter how bad or heavy to acceot that truth is. Tristan remembers that, and thus he became honest and he'd would not like to lie for the sake of himself.

Tristan love growing up with magic all around him, despite aving to live in a tight penthouse in London. Though he love his mother, who believes the greatest adventures are in books, he had the fascination of his father's definition of adventure but loves how his mother casts a spell each time. Though it couldn't be the same for his twin, Dustan.

They were quite the opposites. Tristan loved the city and exploring every cranny and corner of it, while Dustan is the quiet type of boy who'd likely love adventure in his mind through books. Nonetheless, Tristan loved him so much. On January 10th, when 9-year-old Tristan first showed signs of magic (accidently making an entire table to disappear), his parents were thrilled that he gained the magic of his mother, but while Tristan is happy, he was disappointed that his twin didn't display any of it.

Then an owl got through a window, holding the famous Hogwarts letter when both Tristan and Dustan turned 11. Tristan's parents had discussed before that Dustan might not be a wizard at all, and they were saddened by the news... Until another owl swooped through the open window, carrying another letter and it was addressed to Dustan!

Both boys were very happy that they're both going to Hogwarts together. They went to Diagon Alley to buy supplies, chattering about which supplies to buy. Though their parents were strict with money, so they only bought what was necessary.

Then September 1st quickly came, and after saying their farewells to their parents, Tristan and Dustan board the Hogwarts express. They both talked quietly, especially with Tristan talking about the sorting ceremony. He hoped that he end up in Ravenclaw since he have loved books as much as Dustan does, but with his curiousity and adventurous personality, he might end up in Gryffindor. Either way, he'll be happy in his house.

He was excited and he hoped his twin was too. He couldn't wait to see the adventures that awaited in Hogwarts.
