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Grayson Ward
Liverpool, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,8 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Origin: Grayson was born in Belfast, Ireland, the son of English professors Conall and Sinead Ward. The two raised the young boy in their home nation until he was five years old when they split and Conall moved with Grayson to Liverpool. As a result of dividing his upbringing between the two locales, he has developed an odd accent that exists as an amalgam of the scouse and Northern Irish drawls.

As for his personality, Grayson is extremely timid where tapping him on the shoulder might result in an hour long panic attack form the young boy. He derived this trait because his father ( a snobby professional) expected pure intellectual superiority from his son to such an extent that a B on a single homework assignment would result in a fifteen minute screaming session. To complement his timid nature, he packs a nasty stutter, a fear of social interaction, and a tendency towards self degradation as he cannot help but rag on himself when in the presence of others. With his lack of social interaction, he spends nearly all his time with his nose in a book and his hand pressing a pencil to paper, resulting in an academic prowess that would surpass most students his age and beyond. Still, contrary to his anxious dealings and love of books, he cannot help himself from pulling a good prank. These fun little tricks are Weasley-esque in nature; although, nobody would assume Grayson as the perpetrator of such acts due to his innocent demeanor. He never expected to be anything more than a dissapointment until he received his Hogwarts letter in the mail, causing him and his father to truly experience elation as Grayson was going to have the opportunity to be extraordinary.

Description: Physically, Grayson is short and scrawny. In a crowd of 11 year olds, he looks like a five year old with baby height, baby face, and skin stretched tautly over his bones with every single article of clothing sitting loosely on his frame. Despite spending all of his time indoors, he possesses an olive complexion that makes him look like he spends every day suntanning at the beach. Emerald eyes contrast against his sun-kissed skin where the purest gemstones could never shine as cleanly or as brightly as his eyes. His hair is a midnight black, ungroomed and left to grow in a curly mess for years without a single haircut. In his presentation of self, he cares little for personal grooming as he sees it all as a distraction from bettering oneself, so he is usually covered in dirt and grime for weeks at a time.