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Briar Coldwell
Rochdale, England
First year, Slytherin
30,6 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
⊰ Please see the note at the bottom. ⊱

The Coldwells are a small but wealthy family, whose funds have contributed to many recent magical architectural projects. Borne of a muggle mother, Briar's immediate relatives largely disapprove of her, as her presence has muddied the bloodline.
Despite Briar's half-blooded nature, her grandmother and aunt took her in and raised her with rigid standards of perfection, deciding that her father was unfit to be her guardian.

There was a time when she voiced a desire to live with her now estranged birth parents, but she was met with strict opposition for reasons as of yet unknown to her.
Not being one to stray off the course her family lay out for her, she accepted the burden of attending Hogwarts without much of a fuss.

Briar is a soft-spoken, refined young lady with a penchant for isolating herself, due in part to her upbringing. She has a desire to be liked by her professors without being seen as a sycophant, and dislikes receiving special attention because of her wealth.
Briar excels at potions and jinxes, but struggles with transfiguration and is particularly terrible at flying.

She prefers tea to coffee, and finds butterbeer to be far too sweet for her liking.

Full name: Briar Dinah Coldwell.
Gender: Female.
Eyes: Rich brown.
Hair: Dirty blonde.
Height: 4'7"
Birthday: December 3rd.

food: scones with clotted cream, chicken curry.
colour: deep blue.
season: winter.
subject: potions.

food: meat pies, toffee.
season: summer.
subject: history of magic.


All art work posted or linked (including Briar's avatar) is my own unless otherwise stated. Do not use anything I post for yourself.