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Tako Yaki
18 Sep 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
26,1 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
She has dark brown hair. She has poor eyesight, but she rarely wears glasses. Most times she wears contacts. Her skin tone is light and she has a small face. Her lips are average size. Her height is 145 centimeters/4 feet 8 inches. She has small, dark brown eyes and brown eyebrows. Her sense of style varies, but she mostly wears classy clothing.

She is a very ambitious person. She is competitive and likes perfection, as she is a perfectionist. Although she's really smart, she's not active at all and hates sports/exercising. Her hobbies are reading books or spending time with her family's cat. She's also good at baking and sometimes helps her chefs. She's a shy person overall, but isn't afraid to voice out her opinion. She's very polite and has good manners. She's also very girly.

She grew up in a family full of wizards as she's a pure-blood. Everyone in her family was a Slytherin when studying in Hogwarts. During her childhood she'd mostly spend time with her older sister or mother since they were the closest to her. Since one of her hobbies is reading books, she read a lot about the world of magic and also Hogwarts.

She was 8 years old when she had her first instance of accidental wandless magic. She was feeling angry, because her younger sister was annoying her. She was unable to control her emotions and accidentally managed to shatter her family's dinnerware.