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Oliver Beckett
10 Apr 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,3 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Is being a werewolf a possibility for me?

My name is: Oliver Beckett.

I have chestnut-brown hair, amber eyes, and lightly tanned skin. I’m 4’9, male. Freckles splatter across my collarbone, arms, and the sides of my face; my stomach, thighs, and the back of my neck. A mole lies right on my collar bone that I sometimes, accidentally, painfully scratch. A dark birthmark spreads down my back and thigh as a white one sticks to my other ankle.

Mentally a perfectionist, I work hard to maintain my overall grades and reputation. It’s dedication. I have clear ambition, a sense of resourcefulness. Though sometimes self-critical, I feel I often have a great mental state and an easy social life. (He is incredibly awkward but doesn’t realize it.) I sometimes make unnecessary jokes and comments on anything anyone says and I laugh even if no one else is.

Being Pure-Blooded, I know nothing about the muggle world and I have no resources to understand it. Maybe at Hogwarts I’ll meet a muggle-born! I’ve heard vague mention of magic boxes that talk, but of course they aren’t magic, they’re made by muggles. I have a supportive family; our home borders London. My parents, Jordan and Sam, have always encourages me to get ahead in my studies. They say it’s because im clever. I’m not allowed my own books until it’s time for Hogwarts, which my parents were confident I’d get into, but the hand-me-downs from my brothers (Arthur, Max, and Jean) and sisters (Fiona and Marie) would suffice. Marie specifically, had a ridiculous amount of notes in the margins of her books. I would stow away under my covers and read until I couldn’t make out what the words were saying any longer.

When I was ten, I accidentally sent a teapot at my brothers face. I was trying to tell my brother, Arthur, that there was a spider in the tub and not to worry because I could kill it. Arthur, of course, laughed in his face. I don’t blame him. I’m terrified of spiders, but I’m trying to get past that! He may or may not have deserved it.