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Cressida Vablatsky
28 Feb 2012
Mereworth, England
First year, Slytherin
20,1 cm alder wood and kelpie hair
Physical Description: A willowy thing with soft brown hair and pale, slightly foggy grey eyes that often give the impression of looking through a person rather than at them. She has a fondness for jewelry and is rarely seen without some form of metal or stone dangling from her ears or neck or wrists.

Mental Description: honest. analytical. sensitive. dutiful. unforgiving. wary. obstinate.

Biography: Cressida grew up well-loved and doted on by her witch mother, and seeing that her father wasn't in the picture she inherited her mum's magical surname. Although she grew up in muggle London, she's rarely interacted with muggles, having been discouraged from playing outside or getting too close to any of her neighbors growing up. Exception was made when babysitters were desperately needed and no magical folk were available, but aside from one or two occurrences Cressida grew up associating only with the witches and wizards her mum allowed into the home. While her mum harbors dismissive and somewhat wary (though not malicious) sentiments towards muggles, Cressida only feels a mild, detached curiosity towards them.
Her family is known to have recently become "new money;" families with older wealth tend to scoff at their seeming lack of subtlety when it comes to displaying their newfound good fortune, but Cressida, like other Vablatskys, is of the mind that there is no use having a hoard of galleons if their only purpose is to collect dust. Call it gaudy or tasteless if you will. She calls it harmless indulgence.

First Instance of Magic: If a young Cressida, lacking in siblings and neighbors her age alike, felt lonely from time to time, she certainly never showed it. She was quite content with playing by herself, thank you very much, and if at the age of six when her muggle babysitter refused to play with her she charmed her porcelain dolls to life, well, that wasn't to make up for a lack of playmates -- it just proved that she was perfectly able to entertain herself. The babysitter had a bit of a fright, though, seeing those moving and giggling dolls. Luckily a quick memory charm smoothed the whole issue away. (It was the second and last time her mum trusted a muggle with watching over Cressida.)