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Cassia Cromwell
08 Dec 2011
Manchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Cassia has long wavy blonde hair down to her mid back, hazel eyes and pale skin. She is on the shorter side for her age at 4'8" and slender, but stands upright with good posture and keeps her chin up.

Mental Description: Cassia is an intensely curious child, and will follow her questions even if they get her into trouble. She can be a little shy but enjoys discussing magical theory and facts. She loves to read and while she is quiet, she is a sweet, cheerful person with a genuine spirit.

Biography: Cassia grew up with her grandparents, Cressida and Elvin Briarwood, though she calls them Gram and Pop. They took responsibility of her when she was 2 years old, as her parents (Circe and Ambrose Cromwell) are magical researchers and are not around in Europe enough for her to stay with them. That said, there is no resentment about them being away and they are a very happy family. Cassia is a curious child and loves to hear about her parents adventures when they return.

First Instance of Magic: Cassia's first incident of magic was when she was 7, and desperately wanted to eat a cookie that she and Gram had baked that afternoon while they were still warm. Gram had refused to let her, as she didn't want Cassia to spoil her supper. Cassia turned away from Gram to take the dirty bowl to the sink and pout when a cookie rose from the sheet to follow her. Gram snatched it out of the air and scolded Cassia playfully, and Cassia was always frustrated that she was never able to replicate the near-theft of cookies in the future.