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Vi Brown
22 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,2 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
pale skin and white hair (dyed her hair) and yellow eyes (has eye contacts because she can't see well and chose them to be yellow) looks week but isent she wears lots of necklace's (oh and the picture i used for my profile is not my art)

is kind but is a little shy and has a hard time getting used to new people mantely stable

her home life is fine she lives in a house that kind of looks like a cabin she lives there with her sister her mom and dad her sister graduated from Hogwarts so her sister was pretty good at magic Thay would once in a long time go to her aunt's house and it's like a full blown mansion her aunt's house Thay once made a water slide in their back yard on Fridays Thay have game nights and vi almost always loses vi and her sister share a room but Thay split it in half the left side of the room is her sisters and the right is hers

her sister was showing her magic and vi accidently lifted a cup that was her first-time using magic, so everyone was a little surprised but then everything went back to normal and her parents were really proud of her so was her sister than vi got her hogwarts letter and was so happy she got in