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Timothy Compeyson
08 Jun 2012
Truro, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Timothy has pale skin, straight blond hair and blue/grey eyes. He's fairly scrawny and small for his age, standing at 4'6''.

Mental Description: Despite his unimpressive appearance, Timothy is surprisingly daring and a little boisterous, often having far too much energy to burn. He tends to get carried away easily and will occasionally go too far to prove himself to others, though in those situations his natural instinct is to bluff and put up a façade that he doesn't require any help or assistance. He cares deeply about his friends and family and will happily do anything he can to help those he cares about if they need it; if anyone is in danger of getting in trouble because of his actions, he will readily take the blame. Despite being naturally curious and eager to learn new things, he is very easily distracted and will often be trying to work on several things at once and doing none of them particularly well.

Biography: Timothy was born to Edward (a muggle) and Elena (a witch). Although the couple initially disagreed on how best to raise their son, it was eventually decided that Timothy would be raised as a muggle unless and until he began displaying signs of magical abilities, both to give him a proper education since both were working parents so homeschooling was out of the question, and also to prevent him from becoming arrogant in his abilities or getting his hopes up of having abilities in case he turned out to be a muggle. Timothy was thus sent to a muggle primary school where he was deemed a fairly average student, though with a talent for English and History and began to imagine a future career for himself as either a writer of some kind or else a performer, having gained a love for being on stage thanks to his school plays. Although he initially found it difficult to make friends due to being an easy target to be picked on for his small size, he bonded with another boy - Henry Warren - after Henry stood up for him against a bully who was in the year above them, and together they formed a small but tight friendship group with a few other classmates. After discovering his magical abilities and realising that he was a wizard, Timothy's initial reaction of excitement was tempered slightly by the realisation that it would inevitably mean leaving his muggle friends behind, though his mother's stories of Hogwarts and the idea of learning about all the wizarding world has to offer meant that he ultimately didn't spend too much time dwelling on it.

First Instance of Magic: When Timothy was 9, he was at the beach one day in the summer holidays with his family. While he was in the sea, he ignored the flags on the shore and swam into the surfers' area. One surfer lost his board and Timothy noticed a wave sending it towards him. Before the board could hit him, however, it suddenly flew up over his head to a patch of sea without anyone in it. At the time, Timothy brushed it off as a coincidence, but when he was back at school, he was challenged by another boy in his class (Jack Trevarron) to walk over the roof of the school's two-storey music building. Timothy climbed up but almost immediately fell off the sloped roof; however, he seemed to float to the ground rather than fall. He excused his lack of injuries to his classmates as having landed on the lawn around the back of the music building, but confessed to his parents that evening both this incident and what had occurred in the sea that summer. The combination of the two events convinced his parents that their son was indeed a wizard.