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Ehsilat Wilst
Wizard born
18 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
33,0 cm ash wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Short stubby girl with the height of 4'2.She is black and has dark brown eyes. Her hair is black and coily. Her face broken out with acne.

Mental Description: She loves to read books and would like to own a business in the future, but has no idea what she would do. She always aspires to be the best and thinks very highly of herself, though only her family knows this. To others she seems really nice, this is mostly a result of her quiet but friendly nature around strangers. She is always on the lookout to earn a bit more money. She is very driven for success but she also has morals which she would never break.

Biography: She lived a relatively calm life. Being homeschooled never gave the opportunity for much friends. She has 2 younger brothers and both parents. She has one friend named Benedict or 'Benny' for short. They met one day when she was allowed to go and play at the park. They often played on the weekends at the community park. At 11, Benedict had received an acceptance letter to Hogwarts and their relationship has then split since then.She was birthed to parents Leoin and Krissian Wilst.Being homeschooled, she's had a strict but loving relationship with her parents.As the first born she would often be spoilt. Her mother works closely with the Ministry of Magic , while her father works with mythical creatures such as dragons and unicorns. Just like most others her relationship with her siblings are not bad, though they often fight, they do not truly hate each other. In any case the relationship between her siblings is more of a tolerance rather than actual liking. They get along fairly well with each other.

First Instance of Magic: Her first instance of magic was on her 10th birthday when her youngest brother accidentally tripped and fell into her cake. She was so angry the cake exploded. Another experience was when she and her entire family went for ice cream but they didn't have the flavour she wanted. Because of this she the proceeded to lift the ice cream cart high into the air and dropped it.