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Ava Grace
Wizard born
11 Dec 2011
Teignmouth, England
First year, Slytherin
30,0 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Standing at 4'8, she has thick flowing red hair that reaches to the middle of her back. Ava typically keeps her hair in a braid, it alters from either two that frame her face, or one french braid that hangs between her shoulder blades. Her skin is fair and sprinkled with light freckles along her nose. She has rosey cheeks, striking green eyes, and full pink lips. Ava is on the smaller side. She has a slender build and weighs 70 pounds soaking wet.

Mental Description: Ava is a charming blend of curiosity, creativity, and kindness. She enjoys learning and tries to be the first to class, sits in the front, and the one to ask plenty of questions. She approaches the world with an open mind eager to explore the mysteries unseen.

Biography: Ava grew up under the care of both her parents, finding herself as the youngest among her four siblings. With her position came an abundance of attention and support from her family. While they all doted on her and watched over her with care, treating her as the baby of the family, Ava couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. She longed to prove her independence, yearning to show that she was just as capable as her older siblings.

First Instance of Magic:
Ava's first encounter with magic occurred when she was just seven years old, during a birthday celebration for the "popular" girl in her class. This particular girl, being an only child and accustomed to receiving everything she desired from her parents, didn't appreciate the thoughtful gift Ava had brought—a necklace crafting kit. In front of all the other children, the girl made a snide remark, causing Ava deep embarrassment. Overcome with a mix of frustration and hurt, Ava's magic surged within her. Without intending to, she inadvertently caused the table leg of the cake stand to snap, sending the cake tumbling into a messy mudslide onto the floor, much to everyone's shock and Ava's own astonishment.