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Callisto Lobosca
03 Mar 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
33,7 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Light blue eyes, red hair (natural), light/very pale skin, height 4.7, lots of freckles, etc. She is the spitting image of her mum but has her dads eyes.

Mental Description: ambitious, determined, resourceful, kind, hard working, caring, friendly, outgoing, extroverted, natural born leader, etc.

Biography: She was born in Derry Ireland and moved to Dublin when she was 5. She lives with a family of six (not including her), Pamona (Pam) Lobosca (mum witch/half-blood), Remus Lobosca (Dad muggle-born), Quintessa (Quin) Lobosca (little sister), Gwendolya (Gwen) Lobosca (Older sister), Rowen Lobosca (Baby brother). She had a lot of muggle friends that stopped being friends with her when they found out she was a witch, and she's looking forward to making lifelong friends at Hogwarts. Her full name is Callisto Chiara Lobosca (her middle name was named after her aunt Chiara who is Remus's older sister and is a healer at St. Mungos) , nickname Callie; only her close friends and family are allowed to call her Callie.

First Instance of Magic: Callisto's first instance of magic happened when she was 10, it was a few days before her 11 birthday, and her parents thought she was a squib. Until strange things started happening whenever she was mad or upset. For instance, when she was mad at Gwen the windows would shatter (which could be easily fixed with reparo) and when she cried the lights would flicker on and off. So, after several events like these, her parents knew she was a witch. And it was confirmed when she got a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts on her 11th birthday.