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Randal Holt
Upton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,1 cm hazel wood and dragon heartstring
Randal Holt was born on June 1st, 2007. He was born to his parents David Holt, and Sabrina Holt. When he was a year old, he was almost kidnapped by some dark wizard, whose name is still unknown to this very day, as his parents never found out who this particular person was. From the day that he was almost taken from him, to the day that they die, they have sworn to protect their son. Randal found out at he had magical abilities at the age of seven. He was sitting by the fireplace when he first experienced his first magic encounter. He was very terrified of loud noises, and something crashed and it made him jump. then he put his hand up to the fireplace and he lit the wood that was in it on fire. He was very surprised he was able to do this. Unsure of how he did this, he got his parents. This is when he found out that he is a pure blood wizard. From ages 9-10 he was able to practice his magical abilities, under the direct, and strict super vision of his parents. His childhood so far has been really easily on him, as his parents are not that strict. He always likes to go play in the forest when ever he gets a chance.

Physical Appearance: He stands at about 4feet 10 inches. He was wavy brown hair. He was beady blue eyes. He also has a small button nose. He has an average sized body for his age.

Personality: He is a very nice kid. He wants to make new friends. He is also very adventurous. He is also very brave and will do anything to protect his friends and family.
He has the perfect pearly white teeth anyone did see.