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Jane Greenway
Seaford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,7 cm alder wood and thestral tail hair
Jane Greenway was born in Seaford, England, the daughter of a muggle mother and wizard father. Jane has always adored animals, so she is very excited to learn how to care for magical creatures at school. When Jane's father attended Hogwarts, he was placed in Ravenclaw House, though both parents are skeptical of Jane being placed there as well. She does not tend to show the same interest in academics that her father displayed as a child. She more so takes after her mother, the veterinarian, always wishing to take home any stray animal she should find. Jane is of average height for her age. She has dirty blond hair that goes just past her shoulders and blue-grey eyes. She also has to wear glasses for reading. Her parents raised her with muggles, so she knows no one at Hogwarts this year. This makes her extremely nervous, especially since this is her first time being away from home. She is very close to her parents and does not wish to leave them behind. However, both her father and mother have been trying fervently to convince their child that this will be a good experience for her and that they will send her letters often. However, this does little to comfort her, so they expect that she will be unhappy at Hogwarts for at least a week or so. However, the hope is that she will learn to love the school and the people who are there with her.