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Alex Reghan
05 Jun 2012
Monk Hesleden, England
First year, Slytherin
27,3 cm chestnut wood and wampus cat hair
Physical Description: Alex, a human, has bright blue eyes and a brunette brown hair color. His hair is sleek and shiny-looking but is not greasy. His nose is small and his eyebrows are nearly thick. As for skin tone, he looks like he enjoys the sun a bit too much. He is 4 ft 9 inches tall, and has a slim, healthy figure.

Mental Description: Alex is an energetic individual, though at times can struggle with anxiety that affects his willingness to be in crowds or around unfamiliar people. Other than anxiety, he has no mental health problems.

Biography: Rather anti-social, Alex either had very few friends or none at all depending on what school he attended. It wasn’t until he was about 9 years old that his family had stopped moving around so much and he was able to settle down permanently in a small town located in England. His family is neither pure-blood nor is it muggle-born. He is half-blood, with his paternal grandparents being muggles and his maternal grandfather being a muggle (his maternal grandmother is a witch). Along with English heritage, he has Irish, Scottish, and Austrian ancestors.

First Instance of Magic: At the age of 3 years old, Alex demonstrated accidental apparition, from his bed to the floor of his bedroom by sneezing when he had a small cold.