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Ara Vindicta
09 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,9 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: She has a bit light brown long hair. Hazel eyes. Uptuned nose. She’s 146 cms tall. Her nose is somehow almost always a bit red. She has very soft dimples when she smiles, and I mean very soft. They’re almost unnoticeable. As well as her nose, her cheeks are often slightly pink.

Mental Description: she’s extremely creative, loyal, cheerful, trusting, may be a bit introverted at first but a total extrovert with people comfortable around. Intelligent, adventurous, brave, courageous, firendly, sympathetic, kind. Loves music a lot. Loves reading, watching TV, listening to music, baking, drawing, singing and playing the piano. Has been playing the piano for 4 years. Wants to learn bass, drums, saxophone, electric guitar, chello and lots of other instruments even tho it might be impossible.

Biography: I was born with my muggle mom and Wizard dad in England, London. My mom is Cressida Vindicta (maiden name: Dusk) and my father is Jack Vindicta. My father and mother met in Europe in a small country named Estonia. My mother was born there and my father fell in love with her there. Thanks to that both me and my brother know Estonian. They moved to London after they had been together for 1,5 years. Then they married and had my brother and four years later had me. I have a really great relationship with my parents. Sure, sometimes we fought but that happens to everyone. I don’t however like my aunt, Paula. She’s my mother’s sister, and even though she’s nice sometimes she’s really dumb and ignorant. I have two grandmas and one grandpa (dad’s dad). I love all of them and have a great relationship with them. I have an older brother who’s four years older than me. His name is James and he’s in year five at Hogwarts. He’s a really smart Ravenclaw. I hope my parents don’t hope me to get better grades than him. He gets straight O’s. I love my whole family. I get along really great with my brother. I love him a lot even though he teases me everyday. I had to share a room with him for 6 years so we talked every day. We used to live in a small apartment in London but now we moved to a bit bigger house in the woods. Now I have my own room. I went to muggle music school for four years. I had a fair amount of friends, but my best friends were muggles, Emily and Veronica. I love them so much and even though trios usually don’t work out, we did. My father works as an auror and my mother is a journalist.

First Instance of Magic: i always knew that my father was a wizard and was waiting for my magic to show. He said that it comes when I least expect it. One day when I was playing pillow fight with my brother in our room, he was winning. I was laying on the ground and my brother had a pillow but mine was away from me. I reached out my hand and my pillow somehow flied in my hand and it also went bigger. My brother’s jaw dropped as he realised that it was my first instance of magic and I used the moment to hit him with my pillow that was now much bigger. I won of course.