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Evelyn Aubrey
Londan, England
First year, Slytherin
29,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Evelyn (at 11) stands at only 4"9, she has short brown hair and blue-grey eyes. her skin is a pale tan colour. Shes plump in size, a little chubby but she doesn't really care.
Evelyn likes wearing earthy colours and long pants paired with t-shirts. She'll wear a skirt but doesn't much like dresses.

-Evelyn is Bisexual
-Evelyn is allergic to peanuts
-Evelyn loves art
-Evelyn loves writing and reading.

Evelyn was born to an Australian mother and British father shortly after her mother moved to London to get away from her parents after completing college. Evelyn was born on the 26th of June and sits under the star sign Cancer. She was a talkative baby and never stopped babbling along every time someone else around her talked, though she wasn't speaking actual words.
She lived a fairly uneventful life with a few incidents of possible magic signs including the time she had moved her own mobile, tucked herself in at age 1 and made lights flicker in her classroom at age 9 when she was mad at her teacher.
Evelyn was informed of her half wizard blood at age 11 when her Hogwarts letter arrived at their little house in upper London. Her father was ecstatic and spent the next hour and a half explaining his magical blood and how Evelyn was a Witch. She was first worried she would grow warts on her nose and have to get a black cat but her father soon told her about Hogwarts and all its mysteries and intriguing qualities. Evelyn became excited about this new chapter in her life at Hogwarts school of WitchCraft and Wizardry.