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Aina O'Sullivan
Wizard born
01 Jun 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Hey! My name's Aina and I'm 11 years old. I live in England at London.
My parents are wizards. I have a young brother, his name's Luke, and a old sister, her name is Lia.
My parent's name are Nate and Natasha O'Sullivan.
I'm tall for my age and slim. I have blond short hair and green eyes.
We live in an apartement in the center of London.
I am very sociable and curious so i have many friends. The names of my best friends are Julia and Lino. We grew up together.
I like school, but i prefer have a good time with my friends.
When i am not at school, I'm going to do shopping with my old sister Lia.
I love her so much and we are very close.
Now, i will tell you how i realized that i was a wizard like my sister and my parents.
I woke up and like every day i went to the bathroom. I opened the tap but too hard, the jet came very quickly to me. I protected myself with my hands and the... The jet stayed in suspension!
I screamed, my mother arrived thinking that something was happening to me. She saw the jet and started to laugh.
So, my parents are very proud and after I got over my emotions , I too.

So i was very proud and happy to go at Hogwart!