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Cassiopeia Tartarus
01 May 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,0 cm cherry wood and troll tail hair
Physical Description: Born on the eve of Beltane with pale and rosy cheeks, black hair hung like a dark river, curls cascading down her back. Grey doe eyes, deep set and large, framed by long eyelashes.

Mental Description: Cassiopeia is undoubtedly spoiled and only chooses the finest things in life, willing to spend as much for comfortability. Hence she tends to quickly look down on things that are not on par with her expectations. Due to her lifestyle and upbringing, friendships are often bought and bribed rather than earned, and as such, she has developed a subconscious response that gift equals friendship. Somewhat she is aware that the company is not acquired in such a way. However, it is easy to make a pawn without them knowing.

She is possessive of what belongs to her; be it a person or an item, she keeps them in pristine conditions. Although there is an abundance of spares, Cassiopeia finds it hard to part with what she has become fond of and should there come harm. She would not hesitate to use all her resources to retaliate. Unlike her brother, she calls it exactly how she sees it. However, if it does not affect her plans, she will turn a blind eye.

Despite her haughty attitude and the walls surrounding her, she is an adventurous witch, willing to try different activities and hobbies. She goes with the motto of carpe diem, wanting to make the most of her life and future. Although there are apparent manipulations with each of her decisions, every gift she has given is with genuine thought and feeling. Cassiopeia does not hesitate to help nor donate to those in need, be it a pureblood, half-blood, or muggleborn.

Biography: Cassiopeia was the second born of the noble house of Tartarus and the heir to the noble house of Solis. Though the names may sound daunting and filled with responsibilities, it was a home filled with laughter and love. Father was a man with different sides to himself, and certain people perceived it as something else. He ruled with an iron fist with business, preferring to be forthright rather than buttering someone up for the news or conversation.

Hyperion Tartarus was a fit man who stood tall at 6'2" feet. His skin was surprisingly pale for someone who enjoyed the outdoors. A curly mop of obsidian hair rests upon his head, steel blue eyes glinting behind sinfully long lashes and lips nearly always in a smirk. He may look jaded or irked, perhaps you may think he was judging you, but unfortunately, it is just how he usually looks.

On the other hand, mother was a beauty like no other. Psyche Tartarus née Solis was a petite woman who stood at 5'6" feet. Sun-kissed skin that would easily flush a rosy pink from a single kiss, feathery eyelashes that set off striking grey eyes, and plump lips always in a smile. She was an innovator and a scholar filled with curiosity, knowledgeable in languages, spell casting, and rituals. There was no question she could not answer, as to her, knowledge is power. Despite their statuses as the Lord and Lady of Tartarus and what others may say, they were parents first and foremost.

There was no denying that Cassiopeia and Hesperus were spoiled throughout their childhood. They were provided y the family with beautiful things in life. Whatever they looked at or held, their parents immediately bought the items, no matter the price. Despite the golden spoon on a golden platter, it was not a fun childhood as heirs of noble houses, lessons and requirements were needed before their societal debut. Hence schedules were packed. Fun was a foreign term, and it was rare to indulge oneself with entertainment, even rarer to find something enjoyable enough to become a hobby.

Education was always fast-paced, books after books after books. Subjects ranged from languages, history, politics, primary business, and etiquette. Only the best tutors were hired, or occasionally the best graduates that schools have to offer. Although theoretical education is often chosen as a better route for dealing with knowledge, Lady Tartarus provided a practical approach to enrich the children's education, hence the numerous travelling. It somewhat made up for the loneliness.

With how fast the days flew by and the influx of information, Cassiopeia found it hard to make friends the same age as she was. Some were too childish for her taste or not up to par with her wit. Perhaps it was luck that she was born into such a prestigious family, but who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth.

First Instance of Magic: The first instance of Cassiopeia's accidental magic was when she was six months old. Unsure of the reason for the tantrum, the sudden screaming had shattered the windows in her room. Thankfully the child was unharmed, although it could not be said the same for the room.