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Leandra von Abendrot
Wizard born
10 Jul 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,0 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Leandra would describe herself as plain. She has brown, chin-length hair and darkish blue eyes, her hair is just the slightest bit wavy, and she has no marks or scars. She hasn't yet reached that age where she has to fight with pimples, so her face is blemish-free. She likes to wear comfortable yet kind of formal clothing. Blouses in white, or darker colors; Trousers or skirts, mostly black. Her favorite piece of clothing is a dark blue blazer with embroidery on the flaps. She usually wears this whenever she gets away with it.

Mental Description: Leandra is a happy, excited child. She loves to sing and play instruments and dance. She always finds good things to focus on and barely ever finds a reason to cry. She is kind and polite, as her parents taught her. She can be impatient and flighty and tends to start many things but often doesn't finish them unless someone else relies on her to do so.

Biography: Leandra is an only child, born to two wizarding parents. Her Mother Janette stayed home to raise her while her father Edward works at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes as part of an Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. They have a family kneazel called Grinch because of his squashed-in face and a family owl called Rupert for his entirely black coat. While Leandra loves that her father always has funny stories to tell, she resents his relatively random schedule. Accidental Magic rarely happens on a schedule, after all. This has caused some tension between her and her father in the last year as she wants to become more independent and he wants to spend any free moment he has with her. Her relationship with her mother has always been a good one, but the older Leandra gets, the more she resents her mother for not introducing her to other children. Leandra has everything she needs at the manor - hidden in one of londons suburbs - including a garden, but her parents lived through the "dark times" and grew rather fearful. Still, sometimes Leandra manages to sneak away to meet up with a few of the Muggle children from nearby homes and while her parents know, they've never brought it up.

First Instance of Magic: One moment her mother is forcing a bright pink dress over six-year old Leandra's head, the next its hideous color changes to a soothing blue. Relief at the changed color, excitement over her first piece of magic, nervousness over her mother's reaction; Leandra's feelings are mixed over the incident. Luckily enough, her mother reacts well and Leandra's first instance of magic was celebrated with an ice cream at Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlor, and her mother never brought another pink dress to try on again.