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Cobie Perez
20 Jan 2010
Henfield, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,6 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Short, skinny, unassuming looking

Description: Cobie is a short person. They have hazel eyes but typically wear light blue contacts. They have brown shoulder length shaggy hair with side swept bangs to the left that alms covers their left eye. They are a skinny and they typically wear baggy clothes as they come from a house where they aren't very well off so they get hand-me-downs. They however do not mind.

Mental Description: Cobie is a very logical, impulsive and spontaneous person. They do no do well in school which is why they simply stopped going when they lived in the muggle world. However if you get cobie interested in something then they will learn everything about that specific subject and will keep bothering you until they find somthing else to focus on.

Biography: Cobie is an eleven-year-old kid who enjoys listening to music, watching television. theyre wise as well as logical, but can also be very impulsive and a bit spontaneous. Physically, Cobie is in good shape. He is very short for his age with pale skin, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a lisp that stems from childhood.

Life pre-Hogwarts: Cobie had an average childhood until he was about 10. Then he noticed something odd happening to him. They had a friend whos name was Susan White, they were friends since Cobie was 4.

First Instance of Magic: About a month after what happened with the dresser, Cobie started to wonder if he was different. He didnt believe in magic of course, it was simply just something he saw in the books he read. However, he still wondered. So he tried to move a pencil by himself. Nothing happened at first, he concentrated very hard and suddenly it moved. It moved upward and zipped around the room. He couldnt believe his eyes.

First instance of accidental wandless magic. Cobie was 10 years old, it was the night before he was going to go on a big camping trip. He was to excited to even sleep. They were pacing around their room waiting for sunrise. Suddenly they got a feeling they never felt before and looked behind them. Their dresser was magically floating, along with everything on and in it. They were terrified as they never saw anything like this before.