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Cassiopeia Monroe
02 Apr 2010
High Wycombe, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm fir wood and unicorn hair
Cassiopeia has curly black hair that falls neatly just below her shoulder blades. Standing at only 147cm, Cassie has a slender frame and deep green eyes. She has a thin scar running through her lip, a permanent marker of a mishap involving her brother, and a reminder left unchanged by her parents to remind her to be more careful. Her skin is fair and lightly freckled. She often sports an impish grin.

Cassie is mischievous, a big fan of stirring up trouble and sticking her nose where it doesn‘t belong. She doesn‘t like being the center of attention, but is proudly amicable, making friends out of nearly everyone she meets. While she can often come off as a bit of a ditz, she has always been taught that when she tries her hardest at something, she‘ll succeed. Cassie‘s somewhat selfish nature has often led to her being perceived as immature, and she acts impulsively rather than rationally, leading to her looking reckless and klutzy. Impulsivity aside, she is coolheaded in times of high stress, and calculates every move she makes carefully.

Born into the Monroe family, a wizard family that prides itself on history and purity, Cassiopeia has never felt like she fit in. She never saw the point of pushing other people to the ground just so you could get ahead. Her family is neither rich nor poor, and she has an older sister, Euphemia, and an older brother, Cyprus, both accomplished wizards who performed well at Hogwarts. Despite their differing opinions on who should be allowed to perform magic, the Monroes are a tight knit family who can always trust each other to be there when things go wrong.

Cassie had always shown signs of magical ability from a very early age. This wasn‘t uncommon in her family - magic was used all the time, and Cassie had never thought anything of it. However, unlike her siblings and parents, Cassie did not demonstrate much skill or restraint in her magical abilities. The first time she used magic, she was barely three. Amidst a giggling fit, she shattered the glass of her family kitchen window, leading to a stern talking-to from her parents.