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Castalia Anderson
Bath, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,5 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Character’s ID Card
(or whatever we use in the magical world):

Full Name: Castalia Anderson

Date of Birth: 29th of November 2006

Comes from: Bath, England

Origins: Castalia’s dad is a pure-blood who befriended a muggle-born boy when he entered Hogwarts. They both were in 4th year in Ravenclaw when the battle of Hogwarts took place. He managed to persuade his parents (who were conservatives but definitely not supporting you-know-who) to hide his best friend and his family. He took care of them and met his best friend’s little sister who, despite being a muggle, was a huge fan of the wizarding world and immediately fell for him.

Childhood: Castalia had a rather nice and peaceful childhood. She always knew about the wizarding world even though her mom insisted she would go to muggle school until she would turn 11. She revealed her magic at age 7 when her mom grounded her for not making her bed and the bed magically made itself.

Physical appearance: Castalia looks much like her dad. She has very dark hair, brown eyes, and a rather fair skin. She has an average body type and she’s frustrated with being a bit taller than most boys her age, which is normal when you’re 11.

Personality: Castalia is a quiet and dreamy girl, even though she secretly dreams of colourful adventures. She can be a bit naïve and tends to get lost in her own world but she always tries to be nice and be well-behaved.
//Please note that she’s just 11 and her personality will probably evolve as she grows older\\