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Chrisdena Sliverfeather
Betws-y-Coed, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
23,5 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Chrisdena Sliverfeather displays rosy skin, blue eyes, and her red hair that is poking out from her witches' hat in two pig-tail braids. She stands at about 4'5" and weights around 78 pounds. She is a thin girl, that is slightly short for her age.

In normal primary school, she was a bright and happy child. Helping her mother make dough for morning's baking. And then whisked by her father onto the the hills observing the mountain goats and the Snowdonia Beetles. She was often surrounded by friends and enjoyed learning a bit of history and science. And now she sits in a train she's never been on, her face staring out the window. A refection of her scared face looks back at her. Unknown what is going on and what potential that lies within her. And also for the first time in her life. feeling alone. Away from her parents and friends.

She was raised in Betws-y-Coed. Close to Snowdonia, the highest mountain in Wales. She was born to her parents Cecilly and Levi Sliverfeather. Cecilly a gentle homemaker whom own the local bakery in town. Making various of breads and pastries for locals and the various tourists that about to climb Snowdonia and it surrounding peaks . As for her father, Levi. He was often found in the caves or nearby hills scattered across the land, doing his research and protecting the Snowdon beetle. Which is often known as rainbow leaf beetle. due to the various colors on the beetles' backs.