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Dana Ageenko
London, England, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,9 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Growing up my family never had much money. My father left us when I was young, not too young to remember though. My mum was the one who told him to leave us. I remember the fighting a lot, and ever since he left he never called or tried to contact me or help my mum in any way.
Mum worked a lot trying to support us. She wanted me to study the best I can so I'll have a lot of possibilities when I'm older, though deep inside I know that doesn't want me to end up like she did all those years ago. She didn't want me to depend on men in my life and she wanted me to be able and stand for myself, I appreciate her so much for that.
When we found out I was a witch my mum freaked out. It was new, strange and unknown and she actually didn't know if she wanted to send me or not. She didn't want to lose me, and she has never heard of Hogwarts before, being scared for your child is understandable, so after proven that Hogwarts is a real school and that magic is a real thing, she decided to send me there to study.
I know how hard it is for her to say goodbye, and how much she'd miss me, but she wants the best for me, and I'll do my best in Hogwarts.