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Rowena Wayne
Oxford, England
First year, Slytherin
21,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

A black haired, green eyed half-blood named Rowena Wayne. She's a bit stubborn and quiet, keeping to her studies mostly. However, she tries her best to make friends, despite how nervous she can be at times. Rowena is a bit short, at 5 feet exactly. She's average weight and very pale. Usually seen outside of school wearing dresses, bows, and cute headbands.

When she was even younger, she didn't even want to be a wizard. Being only a half-blood, she was afraid she'd never be good enough as the pure-bloods. But her mother kept motivating her, being the wizard in the family. Her father was a muggle. With their words in mind, she began to form an interest for the school and soon eagerly joined once of age, mostly to please her family and strive to become the best she can be.

While her mother is a wizard and potion maker, her father is an inventor. He creates little gadgets to make every day life a bit easier. They are quite wealthy.

Rowena has a love for plants. At home, her room was full of them, all named and in specially painted pots. Her favorite was a small cactus named Lucy. She's not afraid to get dirty while gardening (or at all, in general). As a toddler, she loved playing outdoors, which sometimes ended up with her playing around in mud. Oops.

As a child, Rowena was somewhat sheltered, which made her into her shy, nervous self today. Her family keeps a very close eye on her and babies her, even as she grows older. Now that she's 11 and going to Hogwarts, she'll have to do things her own way from now on. Take a step into new adventures and fun!

sweets, plants, insects, sleeping in the dark.

high pitched noises, people purposely scaring her.