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Jamie Campbell
Skye, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
25,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Jamie isn’t your average looking Scottish lad. His Asian (Korean to be more precise) features have always made him stand out in the rural highlands. Not any more or less than his two father’s though. So Jamie has grown up knowing that his family is… different.

Jamie first met his parents, Jared and Samuel, when he was four years old. The two men had wanted a child for a long time and had prepared everything best they could. Still the fact remained that they had taken Jamie to a different country and had spoken a language he did not understand.

For about half a year Jamie didn’t speak at all but his father’s didn’t pressure him. He was allowed to spend his days exploring the big sheep farm and helping out his new father with the different animals. At night they would cuddle up in bed together with picture books. (So he would be able to understand even if he didn’t know the words.)

It wasn’t too long until Jamie had bonded with both his parents and had made friends with most of the animals, kindergarden was a bit more tricky though. The children weren’t as overly kind about his Asian features, problems with English and two fathers as most adults. Jamie never really made any friends, the only time he was seen interacting with another child was when he punched Tommy’s nose.

He had more luck in school though and by the time two wizards appeared on their door step to tell Jamie that he was a wizard and that he would soon be attending a magical school called Hogwarts, he had in fact made a few good friends and wasn’t all that eager to leave them, his parents and the farm behind, not even for the promise of real magic and an enchanted castle.

Jared and Samuel also weren’t thrilled to learn that they would have to send their much wanted only child to boarding school. Ever the good parents however they didn’t let their disappointment show and instead went to explore the wizarding world the way it should be, with childlike glee. Letting Jamie, once again, know that being different didn’t make you strange but special.

When it comes to character Jamie is cautious and quiet. He has a way with animals and a kind heart. He also has quite the temper and if you say or do something very mean, chances are, he will punch you in the nose (or hex you, once he’s learned how to do so).