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Lucas Hunter
22 Mar 2010
Gloucester, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Standing at 4'8, Lucas is a brunette with natural grey eyes. He has freckles covering his cheeks and nose, decorating the pale skin underneath. His body type can be described as ectomorph, being slim yet fit for his age. Whenever he smiles, dimples make themselves known on his cheeks. His hair is always kept short, but not too short.

Mental Description: Laughing and entertaining with blunt and earthy humor, Lucas loves to be the center of attention. He's the type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior, living in the moment and diving into the action – he is the eye of the storm. He tends to enjoy drama and fascinating situations, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to his logical mind. Because of this, it makes school and other highly organized environments a challenge. It certainly isn’t because he's stupid, he can do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that Lucas enjoys. He has yet to see this process as a necessary means to an end, to create more exciting opportunities.

His friends could describe Lucas as someone who isn't afraid to push boundaries, discovering things to use later on, like new items and ideas. He's also rational and practical, known to love knowledge and philosophy, but not for his own sake. What’s fun for Lucas is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so he can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for his time. Lucas loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions by combining boldness and practicality, putting things together in ways no one else would think to. This originality is helped by Lucas' ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to him, and he uses these observations to help create connections with others. This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Lucas prefers to communicate clearly, with direct questions and answers. Things are what they are.

With good things comes bad, as Lucas can be a bit insensitive sometimes. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and his blunt honesty doesn’t help here. If he were to be left with a crying person, he would pat them on the back and offer an adventure he'd make up on the spot, not worried about how dangerous the adventure is. Lucas often has a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing his feelings as well, which results in being dependent on the distractions of adventure and freedom. He also moves at his own pace to keep himself excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for him. This impatience can lead Lucas to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences... sometimes intentionally combating boredom with extra risk. He'll see an opportunity – to fix a problem, advance, have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. Like living in the moment, he loves to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much.

Being boxed in, repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while he's being lectured at – this isn’t how he likes to live. He is action-oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they’re intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from Lucas to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions. He knows dealing with things like that can lead to a bigger reward, but he isn't quite sure how long he can keep this up. At least with a magical school, there are more opportunities to quench his thirst for action.

Biography: Lucas grew up in a loving, yet lonely household. With only a father to support him, he was often left alone with only a TV to entertain him. Lucas would go long hours of sitting by himself, waiting for his father to come home. Sometimes Trevor would have days off, but when little Lucas hopped on the bed, hoping for some playtime, he would often get denied because Trevor was tired from a long day of work. So, this developed Lucas' curiosity. Outside of this apartment, what was out there?

Enrolling in school allowed him to quickly gain friends with his bold yet friendly nature. He wasn't afraid of rejection because he could move on to the next kid he set his eyes on and asked them if they wanted to play with him instead. The eagerness to learn was there, but it never lasted long. After school, Lucas often found himself exploring the city and walking in parks alone, digging up hidden treasures like pretty rocks and old coins. He loved climbing up trees and often snuck into people's backyards just for the thrill of running if he ever got caught. What his dad didn't know wouldn't kill him.

More detailed information can be found in my encyclopedia!