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Skyler Murphy
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
24,5 cm willow wood and snallygaster heartstring
Before obtaining her acceptance letter, Skyler, Skye for short, lived with her mother and father. Her mother was away most of the time due to a journalism job that kept her on the go to report on issues and speak with a variety of different people in different places. Her father works as a very knowledgeable librarian and is one of Skyler's main inspirations, as she longs to achieve the levels of studies that he has partaken in and is applauded for. At least, at this time, that's what she wishes for. She was always quite studious and holds great mannerisms, but equally wishes for some sort of adventure and chance to break out of her normal practice. Skyler is very inquisitive, wishing to learn as much as she can as fast as she can. Many would describe her as a natural born leader, intelligent, cautious, and stubborn. Underneath this person is something deeper, though. She is very caring and loyal to those around her, even if she doesn't out-rightly show it. Hard work and dedication are her main morals, but sometimes she wishes she had the ability to relax and not worry about her studies and stressers constantly. Her ginger hair and freckled face label her as a "loud" or "eccentric" character, thought she is quite the opposite. She speaks quietly, yet firm when dealing with most and is oddly rarely seen smiling. Throughout her adventures at Hogwarts, though, she is bound to find people that flip a switch in her that allows her to finally put some things behind her and enjoy herself and the many fun times to come. Skyler has a particular interest in learning potions and the history of the wizarding world and all it has to offer.