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Barbara Davis
Stocksfield, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,8 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
A simple, contemplative only child from up north raised by her  muggle single mother, there is nothing Barbara Davis has enjoyed more than seeking the truth of things. Whether it was in the library browsing the non-fiction shelves, outdoors searching for fossils, or questioning the adults around her, she had an insatiable curiosity from the start, and has always taken her time considering all options before holding fast to the conclusions that her studies bring her to. She even does not care if it socially isolates her to tell the truth, or brings her to blows with people that care for her. the most important thing to her is the understanding of fact. 

Only when proven honest will she trust someone and be loyal to them, as even the slightest lies- such as to save social face- grate on her nerves. Fortunately withholding information temporarily is not considered a falsehood in her eyes, and that is much of why she keeps so quiet and writes so much- she knows people would not like the thoughts she has in the current moment, and writes the important pieces down so she has no chance to forget them- which is quite a frequent thing, for her to forget. She thinks so fast and operates pretty much at her own speed of thought that the slightest delays can have her on a completely different topic. Perhaps this is why she relates so strongly to Da Vinci- a fellow crowded mind whose cauldron was constantly boiling over, never able to finish one project before another came to his mind and he began work on that.