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Axi Green
Hogsmeade, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
29,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Fears are: Spiders (accromantulas), heights, clowns, darkness and the moon. He doesn't speak that much and is a quick leaner. He is also quite funny. He has yellow eyes - very special if I say so myself. He also is hot-headed: don't get on his bad side! He writes in his diary (which is about the Muggle world) and gets annoyed when someone looks in it. His dad got send to Azkaban for committing a serious crime! He is very mature for his age and doesn't hang out with people. Axi also likes Doctor Who, Star Wars, Stranger Things and...Spider-Man! He also prefers to be called Ax because it is easier to remember and is much, much shorter. Axi also is excited to learn about charms, potions, magical plants and more! He is taking his first step into the Wizarding World, he won't be disappointed with it, nor would I. Axi is pale, has scruffy brown hair, yellow eyes and is very fit and ready to in-bark in an epic adventure in the amazing school Howarts: School Of Witchcraft and Wizardy. He will not forget this, he will remember it for the rest of his life. He also likes to read a lot so that he gets a good understanding of Hogwarts and what it's like for him and the others